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Why is Kansas City in Missouri and not in Kansas?

Why is Kansas City in Missouri and not in Kansas?

Why is Kansas City in Missouri and not in Kansas?

Kansas City is actually located in both Missouri and Kansas. The city straddles the border between the states of Missouri and Kansas, and it is divided by the Missouri River. The city’s downtown area is in Missouri, while some of its suburbs are in Kansas. The main downtown area, often referred to as Kansas City, Missouri, is the larger and more populous part of the metropolitan area.

The naming of the city predates the establishment of the state boundaries. The city was founded in the 1830s, and the name “Kansas” was chosen to reflect the influence of the Kansa Native American tribe in the region. When the state boundaries were later drawn, the city happened to be situated on both sides of the Missouri-Kansas border. This unique geographical situation resulted in the division of the city between the two states.

The Kanza (or Kansa) was a Native American tribe long before state lines were drawn. Therefore, the name Kansas can freely be used anywhere the Kansa lived. Why is the state of Arkansas not in Kansas? Why does Kansas have a city named Manhattan? There are Kansas cities in Alabama, Illinois, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Back to the original question:. Kansas City, Missouri, was named first in 1850. Kansas Territory (later becoming a state) wasn’t organized until 1854. Starting in 1872, taking just one step west across the state line from KC,Mo, you would have found yourself in KC,Ks. This is still true today. The southern half of the KC area has a street named State Line Road. The yellow line down the middle is, in fact, the state line. If you wave to your neighbor across the street, you’re greeting a person in another state.

Kansas City is in Kansas, but it’s also in Missouri. The city of Kansas City began in Missouri, near where the Kansas River and Missouri River combine. The river boundary became a natural “state line” when the two states neared statehood. As a result of the city growing, it spread out in all directions, including westward, toward what became Kansas. Missouri became a U.S. state in 1821; Kansas became a state 40 years later, in 1861.

At some point between Kansas City being founded and Kansas statehood, the “city” in Kansas evolved from the “town of Kansas” to Kansas City, Kansas. One theory is that the much smaller, less industrial area in Kansas wanted to take advantage of Kansas City, Missouri’s reputation as a shipping and commercial center (being in the middle of the U.S. and on a river).

The bottom line is that Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, are both cities, and each has its own form of government. The Kansas/Missouri state line pretty much splits the two cities. Being a split city actually isn’t that unusual, although in all of these examples, the two cities have different names. What is unusual (and confusing) is that our two cities have the same “Kansas City” name. Pull out a U.S. map with cities, and you’ll get the picture.

Why is there a Kansas City in Missouri?

City founders derived the name from the Kansas, or Kaw, River, which was named for the Kansa Indians. The state of Missouri then incorporated the area as the City of Kansas in 1853 and renamed it Kansas City in 1889. I am from Kansas, born and raised, so I may have a little helpful insight. To begin, there is a Kansas City, MO, and a Kansas City, KS. The majority of things when referring to Kansas City are on the Missouri side (Sprint Center, Chiefs, Royals, Power & Light, Crown Center, airport, Kemper Arena, event and convention centers, KC Zoo, museums, Missouri Mavericks, etc.), while the Kansas side has only a few things (NASCAR, The Legends shopping center, Nebraska Furniture Mart, lol).

KCMO was around first as an established city before Kansas was even a state, so KCK came after the Missouri side. When people refer to Kansas City nine times out of 10, they’re referring to something on the Missouri side. Also for anyone who comes across any of my fellow Kansas Citians, don’t ever ask if we’re from Kansas or anything about the Wizard of Oz because it might not end well for you. Have a nice day, and go Chiefs!

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Why is Kansas City in Missouri not in the state of Kansas?

Missouri and Kansas are border states, Kansas is west of Mo. Both states have a city named Kansas City and basically borders each other. However, KC, Mo. is much larger than KC, Kansas and it is the KCMO City that played in and won the Super Bowl yesterday. Two different states with two cities of the same name.

Simply because the City existed in Missouri before the state of Kansas was formed . It was founded where the Kansas and Missouri rivers meet. The name Kansas comes from Kansa tribe of native Americans who originally inhabited the area First the river was named Kansas, then the city and finally the neighboring state.

Why is Kansas City not the capital of Kansas?

Kansas City, Kansas didn’t even exist until 1872, 11 years after the State of Kansas was formed. Most of the city is in Missouri, and Kansas City, Missouri was founded in 1850. Kansas City is actually named for the Kansas River, not the state of Kansas.

Lecompton was the capital of Kansas from 1855–61, which was disputed from 1858–61 by Lawrence, the former being the capital of the pro-slavery government and the latter of the anti-slavery government. When Kansas became a free state in 1861, they put the capital at Topeka, where it has been ever since.

Why is Kansas City split between Kansas and Missouri?

Navigating the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan area can be a little difficult. The real trickiness lies in the fact there are technically two Kansas Cities – Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri. But, when you take a look at the region, it’s not all that tough to decipher. Kansas City might include a state line that separates it, but it’s really one big region at heart.

To help as you’re learning your way around Kansas City, we’ve put together this little piece to explain the split and what it means. Just so you know, the western Kansas City is the third biggest city within the state of Kansas. It boasts more than 145,000 residents. The city’s eastern counterpart is the biggest city in Missouri, hands down. In fact, with its 442,000-plus residents, Kansas City, Missouri, is a whopping one-third more populous that its nearest rival St. Louis. It also covers an area that’s about five times as large!

Now that you know the two cities each hold major prominence within their respective states, let’s take a brief look at their borders and histories. It’s important to remember that together they make up one of the country’s largest Metro areas and share a similar spirit, but the two Kansas Cities are also unique. It’s perhaps that spark that makes the region so special.

The two Kansas Cities are “split” by an imaginary state line along about half of their 10-mile border. The other part of the border is made by the Missouri River itself. The Metro area is made up of dozens and dozens of other cities, with Overland Park, Kansas, and Lee’s Summit, Missouri, adding to the overall population by more than 230,000 people combined.

The history of the two cities dates back quite a ways in American history. Kansas City, Missouri, was the first to take the name. It was settled in 1821, but didn’t have an official name until years later. There’s a legend in these parts that city fathers rejected such names as Possum Trot and Rabbitville before naming the city after the Kansas Indians. When the town was incorporated in 1853, it took on the name City of Kansas. In 1889, it officially took on the moniker Kansas City.

The Kansas counterpart became known as Kansas City, Kansas, in the 1880s when several small towns were grouped together to become one large city. The idea, it’s said, was to basically ride on the coattails of Missouri’s now successful Kansas City. While success might not have been immediate following the Kansas move, a general air of confusion was. In fact, that confusion remains today as people struggle to figure out “which Kansas City” a person might be talking about.

Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, may share names, but they do have different stories. The Kansas incarnation, for example, became the home of industry and immigrants, while the Missouri version became known for professional sporting teams, airports, galleries and more.

The inequity that seemed to plague the two Kansas Cities began to dissipate in 1997 when Kansas City, Kansas, consolidated with Wyandotte County. The resulting Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas City, Kansas breathed new life into the Kansas side of the coin. That city is now home to the Kansas International Speedway and a bevy of other economic endeavors that have given the city a new lease on life.

As Kansas City, Kansas, finally came into its own, Kansas City, Missouri, began an aggressive revitalization of its downtown region with the creation of new hotels, convention centers and more. The city’s industrial district thrives, while several of its school districts are known as some of the best in Missouri.

Now, rather than one city standing above the other, the two Kansas Cities stand tall on their own and combined make one of the best Metro regions in the country. Kansas City, Missouri, is known for its booming downtown, arts, entertainment and River Market. It’s home to Country Club Plaza and the state-of-the-art Sprint Center.
Kansas City, Kansas, is now known for its speedway, economic opportunities and growing, prosperous cities.

Separated by a river and an imaginary state line, the two Kansas Cities combine thanks to a progressive Interstate system to make a region “separated” come together. The names might still lend themselves to a general air of confusion, but if you’ve chosen to call the region home, you’ll soon find yourself doing what the locals do – referring to Kansas City, Kansas, as “KCK,” and the Missouri version as simply Kansas City! Or, for simplicity, just remember it’s all one big region with a single heart.

Which city is better to live in, Kansas City or St. Louis?

This is a completely subjective decision but here’s my two cents on the matter. I grew up in St. Louis, but I have chosen to make Kansas City my adopted home town as an adult. So I have a pretty good perspective on both cities.

Here’s what they have in common:

  • Decent cost of living in both towns. You’ll be hard pressed to find any place more reasonably priced to live in than both STL and KC.
  • Generally decent mixed economies (both cities are economically diverse and not overly dependent upon one or two industries)
  • Both are big enough to have all the amenities of a big city but small enough to be able to avoid some of the worst of it (like really awful traffic – I know, I know, you St. Louisans and Kansas Citians think you have traffic, but having lived in DC and Dallas-Fort Worth trust me, you do NOT).
  • Both are thriving sports towns, if you like sports.
  • Both cities are pretty socially and somewhat economically stratified, and yes, that also means racial segregation. This is getting better over time but it’s still a huge problem in both cities.
  • Both cities have areas of appallingly high violent crime rates for their size, but note, like most large cities, these tend to be concentrated in very small areas of the city.
  • Both cities have unique food cultures that define each city.
  • Both cities can be relatively easy to make friends and acquaintances in, but I understand both have a reputation among young singles as being tough dating markets.
  • IMO, both cities are good places to settle down and raise a family.

And here’s where they are different:

  • St. Louis is culturally eastern. Kansas City is more south and south-western. St. Louis looks at Chicago with envy, Kansas City looks at Denver with envy. You’d think, with all I listed above, they’d feel similar to each other in day-to-day living, but nope, culturally, they are not the same at all. The vibe is just different.
  • Kansas City also has a chip on its shoulder regarding St. Louis (KC is the smaller metro of the two, and the younger city, soooo… younger child syndrome, I guess ). St. Louis doesn’t think of Kansas City at all, really (I certainly didn’t when I was growing up there!). But KC, as a metro, has a bit of an inferiority complex for some reason that St. Louis doesn’t have. I think this stems from 1) natives never living elsewhere and they don’t know how good they have it and 2) talk radio show fodder – if they don’t bitch about how bad things are or how inferior the KC area is, they won’t have anything to say at all.
  • St. Louis is a baseball town. Kansas City, as much as they love their Royals, is a football town. NFL ratings in KC are always high even for games not featuring their beloved Chiefs.
  • Kansas Citians wear KC-themed clothing (and not just the sports teams) all the time, almost everywhere. Kansas Citians like to revel in the fact they ARE Kansas Citians. It’s this really visible, in-your-face civic pride that St. Louis simply doesn’t have.
  • Kansas City is really Irish, and St. Louis is really German.
  • One way St. Louis blows KC away is the Gateway Arch. It is a marvel of engineering and KC has nothing like it (as much as I love the WW1 Memorial it doesn’t hold a CANDLE to the Arch, sorry). St. Louisans are RIGHTLY proud of the Arch. It’s amazing.
  • Food cultures: KC, on average, has better barbecue, greasy hamburger stands (hello, LC’s in the Northland!), donut chains, and Mexican food. St. Louis has better Italian, German, pastries and Chinese food. St. Louis has its own style of pizza, if you like that sort of thing where KC doesn’t.

When I decided to return to Missouri (from Texas), I seriously considered both cities, and ultimately, KC won out, for me, personally. I prefer the western, laid-back vibe KC has, and I love the passionate sense of civic pride that I noted above, and well, I’m a hard-core Chiefs fan and I wanted to be close to the center of the universe, Arrowhead Stadium.

But that doesn’t make St. Louis a bad place to live, not at all. Ultimately, which one is “better” is totally subjective and KC is better.

Is Kansas City a racist city?

Like many cities, Kansas City, both in Missouri and Kansas, has faced issues related to racism, as have many other places in the United States. Racism can manifest in various forms, including systemic, institutional, and individual racism. It’s essential to note that racism is a complex and pervasive issue that can be found in different aspects of society.

Efforts to address racism and promote equity and inclusion have been ongoing in many cities, including Kansas City. Communities, organizations, and individuals work towards fostering understanding, dismantling discriminatory practices, and promoting a more inclusive and equitable environment.

It’s important to recognize that experiences of racism can vary among individuals, and the presence of initiatives and efforts to combat racism does not necessarily eliminate all instances of discrimination. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, specific details about the current state of racism in Kansas City would require up-to-date information.

If you are looking for recent and specific information, consider checking local news sources, community organizations, or government reports for the latest developments and efforts related to addressing racism in Kansas City.

Kansas City suffers from covert, subtle racism. Of course, not every person is racist. When I visit back home, I patronize business who treat me with respect and make me feel comfortable. When I am followed around the store, exit. If they instantly point me to the clearance racks, exit. When I get strange looks from employees because my mother is white, exit. These things will happen, but there is NO reason not to visit this beautiful city. Your negative experiences will be outweighed by warmness and kindness of others.

This city has the best museums, fountains and other attractions in the region. If you are a minority, I do believe it is difficult to live there. The city is overridden with crime – and there are still issues with minorities living in the suburbs. However, most of my high school classmates have still figured out some way to move out of the city and have comfortable lives. I miss home, visit often, but I feel more safe, more comfortable in the Atlanta area. And in comparison, I feel that Lincoln, NE is MUCH more racist. STL, the same as KC.

What is great about living in Kansas City, Missouri?

Quick background. I grew up mostly in TX. After I graduated, I’ve lived all over this great country; Idaho, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Florida, Virginia, Illinois, and now Missouri. When the place I worked at before closed down, my wife and I looked at each other and said, “You know what, let’s look at Kansas City. We’ve met several people that have lived in and around Kansas City and they have all liked it. Nobody’s ever said anything bad about Kansas City.”

There was a company that I really wanted to work for that had a great reputation in my area of expertise and lo and behold, they had a location near Kansas City, and even more importantly, they were in the process of hiring someone with my skill set!!” It was meant to be. A ray of shining light straight from the heavens. I made a phone call, sent in my resume, did the interview, and I just celebrated my 15 year anniversary at this place of employment Thanksgiving 2016. Woo Hoo Baby!!

Let me tell you what Kansas City is NOT.

I don’t know where you are from and if you’re planning on moving here, or this is just a question to fill curiosity. Kansas City is not NY, Chicago, LA, Houston, San Fran, or Dallas. You can see some of the broadway shows here in Kansas City eventually. And they won’t be as awe inspiring as on Broadway probably, but they will still be thoroughly enjoyable.

You won’t hear about the greatest restaurants ever with this chef or that celebrity chef for the most part. We do have Lidia’s and she’s on TV!! If you want steak and BBQ, this is your place!! Even that being said, there is something for everyone when it comes to an appetite.

Yes, the Royals had 2 great back to back years in baseball. But we had 20 years of drought. The Chiefs have their ups and downs, but they’ve not been a serious threat of anything since they won the 3rd Super Bowl. Tickets to go see these games can be had for cheap though and it’s a really good time and there is some history here. Kansas City LOVES their pro sports teams. Including Soccer!! Who’da thunk it?!! I had even heard once that Kansas City was actually the soccer capital of the nation. We don’t have the most teams, we don’t have the most famous teams, but people here do seem to love it. Even the T-Bones minor league baseball is loved and it’s a cheap way to spend an evening.

If you want to live in a condo in or near downtown, that’s doable. If you want to live in an ultra swanky neighborhood, we’ve got you covered. I live in a small country town outside of KC, population 8000. We’re just minutes away from three other small cities of about 90,000 to 100,000 so they’ve got most anything there. If I actually want to go to the Plaza, Crown Plaza, Union Station, Downtown and all that, it’s about a 30 -40 minute drive. I can be all the way over on the other side of Kansas City and get to a shopping area called the legends in about 50 minutes.

Do you like golf?

There are a TON of golf courses here. And golf is cheap cheap cheap!! There’s always deals and clubs and what not where you can get a round with a cart on a very nice challenging course for $20. THere’s no reason to pay the full price green fees of 50 to 60. Yes, for the most part, that’s the most you’re going to pay for a round. If you try really hard, you may be able to find a place that’s more expensive, but you may have to know a member to do it, LOL.

Traffic. Ahh, the traffic. There’s an area call the “Triangle”. It sounds dreadful right? You start thinking about the Bermuda Triangle and thinking that this place has got to be a nightmare. Well, it is.. But only to people who have never left or driven anywhere but Kansas City. If you are from one of the big 5, shoot, if you’re from one of the big 10 cities in the US, you will be laughing and singing your way through the worst of traffic here in Kansas City. On a rare occasion, traffic does actually grind to a stop, but it doesn’t last long. It’s not an everyday 2 hour ride to get 30 miles both to work and back home in the evening.

There isn’t a lot of infrastructure for public transportation. Yes, they just got a new trolley system (Don’t think San Francisco or New Orleans Trolleys, these don’t have that kind of character, these are brand new and ultra modern looking), they’ve got a bus system. There’s no subway. The fact of the matter is, Kansas City doesn’t really need that kind of support, but in their desire to be one of the big kids, people here sure would like to have it sometimes I think. You will, more than likely need transportation for each worker in the home.

Kansas City has a lot to do if you like the outdoors. We’ve got the Arboretum walking gardens, there’s Powell Gardens out east of KC. Bike trails, walking trails, all kinds of stuff.

People. People here are friendly for the most part. But I’ve always found people everywhere to be friendly. Yes NY and Boston have their reputations for rude people, but if I’ve found that if you’re kind most people return the favor. Things can be cliquish in some of the small towns. You’re moving into a community that probably has generations of families and friends so you’re going to be the outsider. Friends are easy to make here. They’re just good people. Are you LGBT? There’s a place for you here. Liberal? Sure, we got you covered, Conservative, Yep. Full Blown four wheeling’ redneck, Git-R-Dunn!!

Lastly people here love to talk about “Going to the Lake” for the weekend. Now let me tell you what that means for the most part. They’re going to Truman Lake or Lake of the Ozarks. Everybody seems to want to go to the lake for the weekend and stay in their cabin or lake house. Now if you’re like me, when you first get here you think of going to a beautiful lake with a log cabin or an actual house. What I found out is that the vast majority are talking about going to an RV Trailer that they keep on a camping spot that they lease for a year. I about lost it!! Too funny. But people here do love “going to the lake”.

Yes, I’m making a little bit of fun, but Kansas City is a nice place and a good place to raise a family. This isn’t the most exciting place, for sure. You won’t find too many vacationers looking to make their way to Kansas City unless they’re coming to see extended family, visiting a friend, or working. You can easily buy a very nice home for $160K – $200K that would cost 4 times more (or even more) in many other areas of the country. It’s a good place to raise a family and make lifelong friends.

Come on down!! We’ve got room for ya!!

Kansas City

In October 1872, “old” Kansas City, Kansas, was incorporated, in March 1886, “new” Kansas City, Kansas, was formed through the consolidation of five municipalities all in Kansas Territory: “old” Kansas City, Armstrong, Armourdale, Riverview, Wyandotte. The oldest city of the group was Wyandotte, which was formed in 1857 by Wyandot Native Americans-and Methodist missionaries. Kansas City Kansas is close the original Kaw Indian Village that Lewis and Clark discovered on their trip to discover the territory of the Louisiana Purchase.

Why does Kansas City, MO have so much crime compared to other cities in the USA? When, how and why did it become this way? What do locals think of it and why?

Kansas City has a problem similar to several other large American cities: the flight of wealthier people to the suburbs. Lots of doctors, lawyers, business people, and other professionals work in Kansas City – which is a growing area – but the people who actually live in KCMO are materially poorer on average than those in the metro area as a whole, which means lower tax bases, bad schools, overwhelmed police, and long-term issues with violent/drug-related crime. You look at just about any highly dangerous city in the US, and the story is the same: the money exists just beyond city lines.

Crime rates in any city are influenced by a complex interplay of various social, economic, and historical factors. Kansas City, like many urban areas, faces challenges related to crime, but it’s important to approach this topic with nuance and consider multiple factors.

Several factors contribute to crime rates in cities, including poverty, unemployment, education, systemic inequalities, drug-related issues, and historical patterns. It’s crucial to note that generalizing about crime in a city can oversimplify the issue and may not accurately reflect the experiences of all residents.

The historical context of a city, including patterns of development, segregation, and economic shifts, can also play a role in shaping crime dynamics. Economic downturns, changes in industry, and social unrest can impact crime rates in various ways.

To understand the situation in Kansas City, one would need to consider local history, socio-economic factors, and community dynamics. Analyzing crime data, community initiatives, and law enforcement strategies can provide insights into the factors contributing to crime rates.

Public perceptions of crime in a city can vary among residents. Some may feel that crime is a significant concern, while others may focus on positive aspects of their community. Public opinion is often influenced by personal experiences, media coverage, and community engagement.

If you’re interested in the current state of crime in Kansas City and local perspectives, consider checking recent crime reports, community forums, and local news sources. Community organizations and government agencies may also provide information on initiatives aimed at addressing crime and improving community safety. Keep in mind that addressing crime requires a comprehensive and collaborative effort from the community, law enforcement, and other stakeholders.

What makes Kansas City, MO a better city than Kansas City, KS or vice versa?

Well, KCK is a much, much smaller city than KCMO. I wouldn’t necessarily call one better or worse, though. Lots of people love Wyandotte County and the Kansas side of the state line. KCK has lots of amenities and that’s where the KS Speedway is. It has a small downtown.

KCMO is in four different counties (Jackson, Clay, Cass and Platte Counties), is HUGE geographically, and where the Chiefs and the Royals are located. It’s the “real” urban core (although KCK is urban too, it’s just tiny), and where most of the acknowledged cultural landmarks are. 18th and Vine is in Missouri, after all.

In my opinion, it’s really about choosing to live on the Missouri side or the Kansas side. I’m a Missouri side girl for a lot of reasons. But KS is good too.

Is it better to live in Kansas City, Missouri or Kansas City, Kansas?

If you are from here, chances are you are either a dedicated Missourian or a dedicated Kansan and can come up with arguments for your side of the state line and arguments against the other.

On that note, I am a firm Missourian. The nicer suburbs of KCK have always had a general feeling of “keeping up with the Jones'” to me. There are parts of the Missouri side that may be a bit run down, but in general I feel a sense of people being more authentic and less competitive. There are, of course, a-holes on both sides and fantastic people on both sides as well. If you will be working in Olathe, I would recommend living in S. KC (e.g., the Plaza area) if you don’t plan on having kids and Lee’s Summit if you do want/have kids in school or want a more suburban feel (taxes are fairly high, but you get what you pay for.)

That being said, if you are transferring here and have no preconceived notions regarding the “border war,” I would strongly recommend living on the same side that you work if only to avoid the daily traffic jam on 435. You could also live in Raymore, which is a smaller city on the southern edge with good schools, a more rural feel, and a much lower traffic route to KS via 150.

Why is Kansas City in the wrong state?

Kansas City, Missouri is located at the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri rivers, and on the border with Kansas. There’s also a Kansas City in Kansas. Many times, there are cities named after rivers or even nearby states.

Some other examples:

  • Michigan City, Indiana is on the border between Michigan and Indiana. It got its name because it borders Lake Michigan.
  • Virginia City, Nevada was named because one of the early settlers was named “Old Virginny” Finney.
  • Missouri City, Texas was so named because it tried to attract settlers from Missouri.
  • Colorado City, Arizona is on the Utah-Arizona border. Some LDS fundamentalist polygamists live there. Probably named after the somewhat nearby Colorado River.

Then of course there are a whole bunch of cities named Germantown.

Why are there 2 Kansas cities?

Kansas actually has at least four cities, Wichita, Overland Park, Kansas City and Topeka. There are also two Kansas Cities. The other one is a big city in Missouri. The Missouri one was first. It had a great credit record and could borrow money really cheaply. Four towns in Kansas, right across from Kansas City decided to merge. The original name was going to be Wyandotte, the name of the largest of the four. They switched to Kansas City hoping they could sell bonds more cheaply.

Is Kansas city a conservative/Republican city?

Compared to a large coastal city, it’s considered conservative, at least more conservative than average. Compared to the rest of Kansas and rural Missouri, it’s practically a communist wasteland. People here keep voting for higher taxes so we can pay for schools, keep voting for higher taxes so we can have good roads, and keep voting (Missouri side) or occasionally (Kansas side) for Democrats for Congress.

It’s a generalization, but Kansas City, like a lot of mid-size to large Midwestern cities, doesn’t like extremism on either side. We like cooperation and good manners and being civil and polite. We like a government that provides good infrastructure (Missouri started the first leg of the Interstate Highway System, Kansas finished the first leg in the country). And we value education (although both sides have had troubles with its urban schools remaining certified, mostly due to historical white flight) and libraries.

Friends, we understand that these things have to be paid for, and have fought our respective state governments for the right to fund these things beyond Jeff City and Topeka’s more conservative restrictions. The Kansas City Metro will never be a liberal hotspot, but it’s not Wichita either.


There is two one in Kansas and one in Missouri, they are side by side named after the Kaw Indian tribe. The Kaw Nation (or Kanza or Kansa) are a federally recognized Native American tribe in Oklahoma and parts of Kansas. The tribe known as Kaw have also been known as the “People of the South wind”, “People of water”, Kansa, Kaza, Kosa, and Kassel.

On July 4, 1804, Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery was camped on the site of a Kanza (Kaw) village near the mouth of the Kansas River, Kaw Point, where the Kaw River dumps into the Missouri River. They had been told of the proud warriors who inhabited this area and had a village of 300, but did not encounter the tribe, who were hunting buffalo in the western part of present-day Kansas.

Kansas City, Missouri has been incorporated three different times and has had three different names throughout its history. First, in the 1830s John McCoy established Westport Landing in Missouri, at what is now Westport Road and Pennsylvania. At that time the town was essentially a boat dock to land supplies for the Santa Fe Trail that were transported from St. Louis up the Missouri River to a spot just east of Kaw Point, then moved by wagon to a Santa Fe Trail departure point known as Westport Landing. Soon after in 1850, a group of 14 investors settled in the area and changed the name of the boat dock to the Town of Kansas. When this happened McCoy was forced to move a couple miles up the Missouri River and establish a new settlement. The last change happened in 1889 when it became Kansas City (Kansas City Public Library).

Kansas City straddles the border between Kansas and Missouri, and is situated on both the Kansas and Missouri rivers. This prime location easily attracted settlers, especially after the Louisiana Purchase in 1804. French fur traders arrived by the Missouri River, building cabins alongside it and creating the town of Kansas. The area was explored by Lewis and Clark, and later settled by a group of Mormons from New York in 1831 who built the first school in the area. Two years later, Westport Landing was established, bringing in more investors to settle the area. Westport Landing and the town of Kansas were located on the three main trails driving westward expansion—the Oregon Trail, California Trail, and Santa Fe Trail. The city of Kansas was officially created by combining the two towns in 1853, with an initial population of 2500.

Why is Kansas City in Missouri and not in Kansas?