What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Steel types are immune to poison and resist ten different types (Normal, flying, rock, bug, steel, grass, psychic, ice, dragon, and fairy). They are almost always capable of taking multiple hits from anything because of their high and special defense. But they are generally very slow and do not have the highest attack stats.
They are only weak to 3 types: Fire, ground, and fighting, which, unfortunately, are the best offensive types. Tldr: Good at defending because of their resistance, but besides that, they are worse Than some other types.
The steel type is weak to the following types: fire, ground, and fighting. As for resistances, the steel type resists the following types: rock, ice, steel, and poison (Immune to it, so poison-type moves will not work on steel types – unless it’s Toxic used by a Pokemon with Corrosion, such as Salazzle), grass, bug, fairy and psychic (Note: Before generation 6, steel types also resisted the ghost and dark types).
Steel is effective against types of ice, rock, and fairy. Usually, steel and rock-type Pokemon tend to have excellent defenses and work well as walls in the competitive scene as long as their move pool and other stats make them viable.
Steel-type Pokemon are the complex-driven battle machines of the Pokemon world. They are rarely used competitively. (Especially the ones for cash prizes.)
Their average defense stat is higher than any other Pokemon type, and their unique defense stat places 4th. Their attack stat places 1st. (Remember, this is the average stat; it will not be accurate for all steel-type Pokemon.)
As I have said in many answers, types are often distracting in competitive battles. A Sceptile may stay out against your Metagross, and you will likely take out the Sceptile with one quick Bullet Punch. You are shocked until the Sceptile One hits KO’s you with an earthquake.
What’s the job of a probationary engineer in Bharat Electronics Limited like?
Types are consequential but also invisible two-sided blades. Be careful not to cut yourself with them. Be wary of tricksters in battles, and I hope everyone stays safe in these unprecedented times.
Steel Type is strong against
Ice Type
Rock Type
Fairy Type
Steel Type moves are weak against
Water Type
Fire Type
Electric type
Steel Type is resistant against
Fairy Type
Normal Type
Rock Type
Bug Type
Dragon Type
Grass Type
Ice Type
Ghost Type (Before Generation 6)
Dark Type (Before Generation 6)
Steel Type is weak against
Fighting Type
Ground Type
Fire Type
Joe Kido: Argh! I wish this guy was a Pokemon and not a Digimon! Beating this guy up is hard!
Metaletemon: Ho Ho Ho! Thanks to my Digizoid armour, I am INVINCIBLE
Zudomon: (i am about to end this Digimon’s whole carrier!) Yo Metaletemon! My hammer’s made of Digizoid armour! TAKE THIS! OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU!
Metaletemon: NANI?! *dies* What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Steel-type Pokemon were introduced into the game series in Generation II and had some of the highest physical defenses with their members.
As of the latest generation, Steel-type Pokemon are immune to the weather conditions of sandstorms and cannot be poisoned (except a Pokemon with the ability of corrosion).
Steel-type Pokemon are super effective against Fairy, Ice, and Rock-type, while Fire, Fighting, and Ground-type Pokemon are super effective against Steel-types.
Steel types are strong against Rock, Ice, and Fairy Types and are weak against Fighting, Ground, and Fire Types. The weaknesses and strengths will vary on the Pokémon you are fighting, and you want to ensure they don’t have any Fighting, Ground, or Fire-type moves (if your Pokémon is only a Steel Type).
If the opponent’s Pokémon has two types,, it will either increase or decrease the weaknesses. So if you are fighting a Rock and Ground-type Pokémon, the weaknesses could still be there or would be reduced.
Strong Against: Rock, Ice, Fairy
Weak Against: Fighting, Ground, Fire
Why is Fairy weak to steel in Pokemon?
It references certain myths about fairies/the fair Folk/elves. In those myths, the Fair Folk or elves have an “allergy” to Cold Iron or anything that contains iron. So, touch them with an iron cross or hit them with a steel bar, and their skin would burn like a human would when exposed to acid.
Hence, way back in the day, iron horseshoes would be placed on cradles to prevent fairies from kidnapping the baby and leaving a changeling behind in the baby’s place.
In some myths and fantasy stories, iron also deflects or disrupts magic, which is something that fairies are capable of performing.
Can the Pokemon creators change the strengths and weaknesses of any Pokemon type anytime they want?
Yes, and they have. The best example I can think of off the top of my head is the steel type. Before Generation 6, Steel resisted all but Water and electricity while being weak to Fire, Ground, and Fighting. However, when X/Y was released, Dark and Ghost became neutral types to Steel. I believe this was because of one infamous fellow.
Being Steel/Psychic, Bronzong only had two weaknesses: Fire and Ground. However, it had two possible abilities: Levitate and Heatproof. So Bronzong could only have one weakness (assuming no Mold Breaker), and it was randomized. It was a gamble between using Earthquake or Fire Blast, and that gamble could leave your Pokemon open to a devastating attack or set up by Bronzong with some Barrier, Trick Room, or hazard. But on top of this, it also had the capability of having no weakness (technically).
Levitate plus Rain Dance would leave Bronzong with no issue surviving any attack. Bronzong was broken (among other Steel-types. Not just Bronzong was a total defensive wall that was nearly unbreakable and could put down all the Stealth Rocks and Light Screens with impunity in the right circumstances. I just chose to use this one in particular as an example).
So when Generation 6 came around, giving the steel type two more types it was now susceptible to was necessary to keep the meta even. Bisharp, in particular, no longer had the two quad-resistances to Dark and Ghost; among the seven standard resistances, it had all sorts of other things.
Offensive Steel-types were particularly brutal. As I had said with Bisharp, they could have insane attacking power while also resisting everything it came up against. They just had too much given to them. So, the change was made so that it wasn’t broken anymore.
Another thing that was changed in Gen 2 was what the Bug-type was supereffective against. However, this could have just been because of Gen 1’s super messed up code, filled to the brim with glitches, and when Gen 2 came out, those glitches were sifted out. But back then, Bugs was effective against Poison, which it is now not very effective against. But the complete 180 in the next game caused me to conclude that this was just an issue in the programming.
Pure steel is weak to fire, fighting, and ground. While steel/ground like steelix gets added water and grass soft ess, Flying steel like skarmory loses both Fighting and ground(unless iron balled, gravity smack down, etc.) weakness.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of steel as a defensive type in Pokémon?
Based on my experience playing Pokémon GO, its benefits and drawbacks can be seen from the following aspects:
- Resists common Normal, Grass, and Flying-type attacks that are frequently used.
- Also resists Ice and Rock types, which typically have low base power attacks.
- Immune to Poison, applicable against Toxic statuses or Poison-type Pokémon.
- Resists infrequent Bug-type attacks rarely seen in competitive play.
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
- While Fighting is uncommon, Fighting power and speed types are widely utilized.
- Fire benefits from additional effects like Sunny Day and boosting moves.
- The ground applies to common Electric/Steel matchups.
- Defensive strengths are diminished under hazardous weather like the Sun.
- Some environments, like Electric Terrain, can bypass resistances.
- Defenses depend on synergistic secondary typing of individual Pokémon.
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
In summary, Steel defenses offer broad coverage but are hampered by key weaknesses that require strategic compensation through teammates or tactics to maximize their defensive potential. Proper team building unlocks its full defensive capabilities.
Are there any weaknesses you would remove from one of the Pokémon types?
The first one that comes to mind is Ice’s weakness in Fighting. The logic behind it seems to follow with Fighting being intense against Rock and Steel — martial arts techniques letting their user break strong materials, like the guys who karate-chop through stone tiles. If they can chop rock or metal, they can also chop Ice.
The problem with that is… Ice types aren’t made of or covered in Ice like almost all Rock and Steel types are made of (or covered in armor made of) their type’s material.
For example, Rock-types look like this:

Ten of them are composed mainly or entirely of rock (including molten rock in one case), and another 11 or 12 have rocky shells, horns, or outer skin layers… leaving only a couple of fossil Pokémon outside the “made of rock” category.
Meanwhile, Ice-types:

Of this group, we have to go to the third row before we stumble across any ice types made up of Ice, either partially or entirely. Glalie has a central body made of shiny black material with an icy layer on the outside, Froslass is similar but purple on the inside, and Kyurem has a frozen armor/shell/outer skin layer…
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Regiice, Vanillish, and Cryogonal are the only Ice-types in this picture that fall into the “actually made of ice” category. Most Ice-types are polar/snowy mountain creatures able to control ice/snow/cold, rather than those made up of their element.
Plus, Fighting is robust against many types, and Ice has several weaknesses with almost no resistance. So, on top of just making more sense, taking away this weakness wouldn’t risk throwing things off balance too much.
Speaking of things that risk throwing off the balance of the game a bit too much… my other thought on what weakness I’d drop was Ghost’s weakness to Dark — seriously, punching or tackling them doesn’t work well, but we’re expected to believe that biting or sneaking up on them does? It’s one of the most nonsensical type interactions in all of Pokémon.
Unfortunately, since Ghost only has one other weakness, and that’s its type, you have to leave it in there — removing it would make Ghosts too hard to hit with super-effective damage (a bigger deal for the Ghost type than, say, Normal or Electric, since Ghost also has two immunities) and make Dark a crappy type to have on an attack since it’d only be strong against Psychic-types.
Why are fighting-type Pokemon weak against flying-type?
When it comes to Pokemon-type matchups, some of them make sense. Fire is weak to water works because water puts out fire. Then, others make sense but still require a stretch of the imagination.
Psychics are weak against bugs because many people are afraid of bugs, so your mind (where the power of psychics comes from) is ineffective against bugs. Then, some of them don’t make sense, and you have to accept it.
In the Pokémon series, each type has strengths and weaknesses against other types in battles, creating a rock-paper-scissors dynamic. Fighting-type Pokémon are weak against Flying-type moves for thematic and strategic reasons. Thematically, the weakness makes sense because it reflects the idea that a flying Pokémon can easily evade and dodge physical attacks from a grounded opponent.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Flying-type Pokémon have an advantage in the air, and their ability to soar above the ground allows them to avoid many of the direct, close-range attacks that Fighting-type Pokémon rely on.
Strategically, these types of weaknesses add depth to battles and encourage players to think strategically about their team composition and move choices. It adds an element of balance and diversity to the game, preventing any type from becoming too overpowered.
In the context of the Pokémon games, type matchups are a fundamental aspect of the battle system, and they contribute to the complexity and variety of Pokémon battles. I’ve gotten several similar comments, and at first, I responded individually, but now I’m going to respond here for simplicity.
Many people say that the reason is that fighting types are restricted to the ground. Therefore a flying opponent has an advantage. Unfortunately, this doesn’t hold up because anything other than flying would have this disadvantage. Rock types are stuck on the ground, yet they have a type advantage against flying. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
What is your favorite Steel Type Pokemon?
Just look at this adorable punch dog! It’s so cute and could kill you with a backhand… back-paw. Either one, it’s so pretty, and I love this little jackal or whatever it’s supposed to be. As a plus, the main love interest in one of my fanfics is a Lucario named Lucy.
Lucario can learn some pretty sweet moves (why the fuck can a bipedal dog learn Dragon Pulse?), including Aura Sphere. A Lucario can sense aura, an emotional life energy used for many things.
Lucarios can use aura to communicate with their trainer (oh hey, I could ask for consent) or see the area around them. They have rapid reflexes and very possibly have steel skeletons, so fuck you, no breaking doggo’s legs with a car. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Can the Pokemon creators change the strengths and weaknesses of any Pokemon type anytime they want?
And destroy all their beautiful and agonizing work?
Technically, they are the game’s creators so that they can change their strengths and weaknesses. There’s nothing to stop them.
Well, not quite. The Pokemon community has grown entirely accustomed to these types of interactions. You didn’t hear much praise when they removed the Ghost and Dark resistances from Steel in Gen 6 because Steel was already way overpowered defensively. But if suddenly Steel lost five resistances, people would have an issue with it.
Steel has never been a very offensive-oriented type and typically is paired with another kind that either negates some of the resistances or enhances its weaknesses. If it lost half of its resistance, it would no longer be a viable type at all.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Right now, the most overpowered type, offensively speaking, is Ground. With only two types that resist it, one that is immune and five that are weak, it has the most coverage of any type. Fighting also hits five types super effectively, but five types resist it, and one that is immune. Rock is the only other type with a favorable ratio of super effective to fought types at 4 to 3.
So there is a coverage term called Edgequake, simply Stone Edge + Earthquake on a Pokemon. Having that kind of coverage is nice, but Rock/Ground dual types don’t do very well, probably because they are 4x weak as Water AND Grass (two prevalent types) and are far more defensive than extraordinary defensive (which Water and Grass tend to attack the particular side).
If you were to change this drastically, you’d change the makeup of what is used competitively, but it wouldn’t make sense. Think about Pokemon as it is right now. Things make sense. Fire is weak to Water (we use Water to put out Fires), Water is soft to Grass (plants tend to absorb Water well), and Grass is soft to Fire (forest fires are pretty terrible).
If you change that, then the Pokemon world becomes even more foreign to people because things don’t make much sense. Yeah, they introduce psychics, ghosts, dragons, and dark types, but they still make things make sense, even with all of that.
So, could they change their strengths and weaknesses? Yeah.
Should they? H—— NO! What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the bug type in Pokemon?
There are two different answers to this question. From an elemental perspective, bugs are weak to rock, fire, and flying. It resists fighting, grass, and ground. Bug attacks are super-effective against dark, psychic, and grass. They are resisted by fighting, fire, flying, poison, ghost, fairy, and steel.
And then, from a gameplay perspective…
Strengths of the bug type:
- Bug Pokemon are often quick to evolve. They can be a significant asset early on, as fully developed Pokemon have better stats.
- Bug attacks are super-effective against consequential types. Psychic and Dark are both powerful types, and bugs hit them hard.
- Bug Pokemon often have good stat specialization. Many bugs have one or two high stats, which helps them find competitive niches.
- Bug moves are powerful. Leech Life, Sticky Web, Quiver Dance, and U-Turn are all great moves, some of which are limited almost exclusively to bugs.
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Weaknesses of the bug type:
- Bug Pokemon often have low stat totals. Many of them, like Butterfree, compensate for their quick evolution with poor overall stats.
- The bug is a heavily resisted type. Seven types resist bugs, making it tied with Grasas for the most-resisted among all Pokemon types.
- Bug is weak to Rock. Rock is a common and powerful attacking type, and Stealth Rock is a ubiquitous tool many teams use.
- Bug Pokemon have poor HP. On average, bugs have lower HP than any other type. They also tend to have poor special attacks, though some exceptions exist.
- The bug has a lot of 4x weaknesses. Bug produces a quadruple weakness when paired with Fire, Fighting, Flying, Ice, Grass, or Steel. Roughly half of all fully evolved bug Pokemon have a quadruple weakness to something.
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Why aren’t Dragon Pokemon weak to steel-type moves?
It’s bizarre because they knew that the Dragon type was overpowered, and they even introduced the Fairy type as a hard counter (double damage and immunity) later on. Sometimes, they make decisions in the name of balance and leave the internal logic as a secondary concern, but they didn’t do that here.
My best guess is that it wasn’t a high priority for them. Back in Generation 2, their primary balance goal was to bring Psychic back into check, which they did by implementing the Dark type. That was considered a more significant problem because Psychic types weren’t uncommon, and they didn’t want a simple Alakazam to sweep the entire Elite Four.
In contrast, there were very few Dragon types (Dragonite being the only one that mattered), and they weren’t even available until the game was practically over. Hence, it wasn’t a balance issue if Dragon types were the best.
TLDR: Given how hard it was to acquire, they probably didn’t want to trivialize Dragonite by letting Steel be super-effective and resistant to Dragon. And later on, when Dragon became more common, they didn’t feel it necessary to change the rules they’d already set in place. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
What is the best Steel Pokemon, and why?
This is a tricky question to answer, considering there needs to be more context. That being said, Heatran and Skarmory are the best.
Heatran because of his fantastic ability: flash fire, which blocks off any damage from fire moves. His semi-legendary status also means he has decent stats overall, so going full tank still allows him to dish out damage.
Meanwhile, Skarmory is one of the best defensive tanks in the game. His excellent typing (steel flying) allows him to take on this role. At the same time, he can learn moves like defog and spikes, allowing you to set up hazards on the enemy’s side. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Why aren’t Dragon Pokemon weak to steel-type moves?
It didn’t fix balancing issues; it wouldn’t make Steel-Types the most dominant type in the games.
Personally, there is no argument here that makes sense on why Dragons SHOULD be weak to Steel. Okay, so people used steel weapons to slay Dragon in Legends. Never was it mentioned that Dragons are vulnerable to Steel. All it said was steel weapons were used to kill them.
Nothing more, nothing less.
It means that fairy tales and legends where Dragons are present are usually based on medieval eras. During that time, steel weapons were all we had to fight dragons.
If you think about it rationally, how could a sword effectively kill a Dragon? Dragons typically fly way out of sword range and breathe fire.
There is no way in hell any intelligent Dragon could ever lose to a sword. Even if the Dragon had no wings or ability to fly, it would still beat the sword user 1-on-1. They have long tails that could bash any foes to dust, or they could just simply chomp down on the victim.
Ultimately, the match-up between Dragon-type and Steel-type makes sense and doesn’t need to be changed. However, that isn’t my opinion, so my logic is. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Steel types have higher defense and poison immunity. They need to improve in fighting, fire, and ground. It can be strong against rock and ice types. Fun fact: steel-type Pokemon was introduced in Pokemon gold and silver.
Just search stuff up on Google. This is different than the type of question for these platforms. But I’ll mention that steel types have many resistances, make good counters to dragon types, usually have high defensive stats, and are pretty good for offense. Of course, there are exceptions, but mainly, they follow the stuff I just said. They end up weak when facing fire or ground types, though.
Steel types are strong against ice and rock types. At the same time, they are weak against fire, fighting, and ground types. Poison-type moves also do not affect steel types unless a Pokemon has the Corrosion Ability. This belongs to Salandit and Salazzle and allows them to poison steel and other poison types. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ice type in Pokemon?
In the Pokémon series, Ice-type Pokémon have their strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these attributes can be crucial for compelling battles. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of the Ice type:
- Super Effective Against Ground, Grass, Flying, and Dragon Types: Ice-type moves are effective against Ground, Grass, Flying, and Dragon types. This makes Ice Pokémon and their moves valuable in battles against Pokémon of these types.
- Weak Against Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel Types: Ice-type Pokémon are weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel types. Pokémon with moves of these types deal double damage to Ice Pokémon.
- 2x Weakness to Fighting-Type Moves: Ice types have a double weakness to Fighting-type moves, making them particularly vulnerable to Pokémon with strong Fighting-type attacks.
- 2x Weakness to Rock-Type Moves: Rock-type moves also deal double damage to Ice types so that rock-type Pokémon can be a significant threat.
- 2x Weakness to Steel-Type Moves: Steel-type moves are another source of double damage against Ice types.
- Average Effectiveness Against Water Types: While Ice-type moves are not super effective against Water types, they deal moderate damage. Ice Pokémon may struggle against Water types with various moves at their disposal.
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?
Understanding these strengths and weaknesses is essential for strategic team building and effective battle tactics in the Pokémon games. Trainers often seek to balance their teams with various types to cover each other’s weaknesses and exploit opponents’ vulnerabilities.
What are strengths and weaknesses of the steel type in Pokemon?