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What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

Bedwetting is a common issue that can affect people of all ages, including adults. If your friend is experiencing bedwetting, it is important to be supportive and understanding. Encourage them to speak with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of the issue and to explore treatment options. In the meantime, there are products and strategies available that can help manage bedwetting and reduce its impact on daily life.

If it’s accidental, I’d be very understanding and accepting, and if she wanted help to overcome it, I’d do what I could to help. If it’s intentional because she enjoys the kinky thrill of it, whether she does it while awake or sets herself up to do it while she’s asleep, I’d be accepting of that, too. I’d insist we waterproof the bed for easy cleanup and that she drink plenty of water to make sure her urine comes out as clear and odourless as possible. But if her preference is “the yellower, the better,” I wouldn’t be okay with that.

It is a touchy one because I actually have a pee kink. If it was something that didn’t happen to her often or ever (as is the case with me and mine), then the first question is whether or not she’s alright. Try to get her over her embarrassment and make sure she knows she is loved. If it was something that was a regular event for her, then I’d do all of that as well but also focus on how it’s not going to change how I feel about her negatively.

In some cases, and you have to read the room on this one, I would maybe also tell her that I thought she looked really cute in her wet panties and that I wouldn’t mind if she did it more, or even on purpose. But again, I want to emphasize this is only once she understands that it doesn’t upset me, and only if I think she’d be receptive.

What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

If your girlfriend is experiencing bedwetting, it is important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, can be a common issue for individuals of all ages and can have various causes. What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

Here are a few suggestions to address the situation:

  1. Open communication: Encourage open and honest communication with your girlfriend about the issue. Make sure she feels comfortable discussing her concerns and any potential embarrassment she may be experiencing.
  2. Supportive approach: Be understanding and supportive. Assure her that bedwetting is not her fault and that you are there to help her find a solution.
  3. Encourage medical evaluation: If the bedwetting continues and is causing distress, it may be beneficial for her to consult a healthcare professional. They can assess her situation and guide potential causes and treatment options.
  4. Bedtime routine: Encourage her to establish a consistent bedtime routine that includes limiting fluid intake before bed, using the bathroom before sleep, and ensuring a comfortable and dry sleeping environment.
  5. Waterproof bedding: Consider using waterproof mattress covers or bed pads to protect the mattress and sheets. It can help manage any accidents and make cleanup easier.
  6. Seek professional help if needed: In some cases, bedwetting may require additional intervention. A healthcare professional can provide advice on behavioural techniques, alarms, medication, or other strategies that may be appropriate based on individual circumstances.

Remember, it is essential to approach the situation with patience, understanding, and support. Bedwetting is a common issue that can often be managed effectively with the right approach and, if necessary, medical guidance.

What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

If your girlfriend or significant other wets the bed, it’s important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is a common condition that affects people of all ages. There are many reasons why someone might wet the bed, including medical conditions, stress, and lifestyle factors.

What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

The first step is to talk to your partner and offer your support. Let them know that bedwetting is nothing to be ashamed of and that you’re there to help them find a solution. It’s important to avoid blaming or shaming your partner, as this can make the situation worse. Instead, focus on finding practical solutions that can help them manage the condition.

Many things can be done to manage bedwetting, depending on the underlying cause. For example, if your partner has a medical condition that’s causing the bedwetting, they may need to see a doctor for treatment. If stress or anxiety is contributing to the problem, they may benefit from relaxation techniques or therapy. Lifestyle changes, such as reducing caffeine intake or using a bedwetting alarm, can also be effective.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that bedwetting is a treatable condition. With patience, understanding, and support, you and your partner can work together to find a solution that works for both of you. What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

Can your boyfriend wet the bed?

The first night I stayed with my boyfriend was after a friend’s wedding. When I went upstairs to change, I noticed he had a cotton, waterproof mattress pad on his bed. They are very discreet; I know this because I was on my bed until I was 16 for accidents. Anyway, when he came upstairs, I asked him if he ever wet the bed. Of course not. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow—too much champagne. 

In the morning, I went to kiss him, and the bed was wet. First, he blamed me, but in a king-size bed, no way. He was very embarrassed and said it only happens when he parties too much. I calmed him down by letting him know it happened to me on a regular basis until 2 years ago. While he did laundry, I went home to get clothes for the next few days and looked up incontinent products. And I was stunned by what was out there.

I ordered some cotton diapers with velcro fasteners, and I didn’t want to fool with tape tabs and 4 pairs of plastic{ rubber} pants. I snuck them into his apt. At the same time, he was in class and hid them. Everything was cool for the next 2 weeks, then it was a frat party. Of course, he got polluted. He went upstairs to bed. I gave him 15 minutes. I went upstairs, and he was out like a light. And I took the chance. I got two diapers and a booster pad out, along with a pair of plastic pants. I uncovered him, took his boxers off, and put him in diapers and plastic pants. 

In the morning, I was downstairs when I heard the yell, WHAT THE HELL!!! I ran upstairs, and there he was, standing in his diapers and a t-shirt. I told him how cute he looked and if he was wet. Of course, it was not. Ok, show me, and then he admitted yes. He told me he was actually glad I did this to him. We were married four years later, and there have only been a few times when the diapers have come out, but we both know they are there if needed.

If, after marriage, your spouse has a problem wetting the bed, what will you do?

Get a good waterproof mattress protector and several sets of sheets; love and accept her as she is regardless of this matter; treat it as no big deal at all if she does happen to wet the bed; and do what I can to help her overcome it if she wants me to. So, I’d do what a spouse is supposed to do: treat her with love, respect, consideration, and empathy. What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

Is it normal to cry every night?

Dealing with a situation like a spouse experiencing bedwetting after marriage requires understanding, empathy, and open communication. It’s essential to approach the matter with sensitivity and without judgment. Here are some steps you might consider:

  1. Open Communication: Initiate a calm and supportive conversation with your spouse. Ask them about their experiences, any potential triggers, or if they’ve sought medical advice. Create a safe space for them to share their feelings.
  2. Encourage Professional Help: If bedwetting is a persistent issue, encourage your spouse to seek medical advice. Bedwetting in adults can be caused by various factors, such as medical conditions, stress, or lifestyle choices. A healthcare professional can help identify the root cause and suggest appropriate treatment options.
  3. Offer Emotional Support: Bedwetting can be embarrassing and emotionally challenging. Provide emotional support and reassurance to your spouse, letting them know that you care about their well-being and that you’re there to support them.
  4. Discuss Practical Solutions: Collaborate on practical solutions to manage the situation. This might include using waterproof bedding, ensuring easy access to the bathroom, or considering lifestyle changes that could help address the issue.
  5. Maintain Privacy: Respect your spouse’s privacy and discuss how to handle the situation discreetly. This may involve finding ways to manage the issue without causing unnecessary embarrassment.
  6. Be Patient: Understand that addressing bedwetting may take time and patience. Avoid blaming or criticizing your spouse, and focus on finding constructive solutions together.
  7. Counseling: If the issue is causing strain on your relationship, consider seeking the help of a counselor or therapist. Professional guidance can provide additional strategies for coping with the challenges and maintaining a healthy relationship.

Remember, it’s crucial to approach such matters with compassion and a willingness to work together. Every individual and relationship is unique, so finding solutions that work for both partners is essential.

Would you date someone who wets the bed?

Yes, and currently do! My current girlfriend has always wet the bed. She said it’s been happening since she was a kid. It only happens maybe 2–3 times a month, but my girlfriend has a strong hatred towards diapers, lol, so we have plastic sheets and wash everything when it happens. In all honesty, I love being peed on, so it’s always a nice surprise when I wake up in a puddle of her pee. What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

Personal preferences in a romantic relationship are subjective and can vary widely among individuals. Some people may be understanding and empathetic about a partner who wets the bed, while others may find it challenging to cope with. It ultimately depends on your own comfort level, values, and the dynamics of the relationship.

If you find yourself facing this situation or considering dating someone who experiences bedwetting, it’s important to approach it with empathy, open communication, and a non-judgmental attitude. Discussing the issue openly with your partner, understanding the potential causes, and exploring practical solutions together can contribute to a healthy and supportive relationship.

It’s crucial to recognize that everyone has unique qualities and challenges, and successful relationships often involve understanding, acceptance, and teamwork. If the issue becomes a significant concern, seeking guidance from relationship experts or counselors may be beneficial in navigating challenges and maintaining a strong connection. Ultimately, the decision to date someone with a specific characteristic, such as bedwetting, is a personal one that varies from person to person.

What would you do if your partner wet the bed from drinking too much alcohol on numerous occasions early into a relationship?

I would be seriously considering my relationship with this person. In order to be wetting the bed from drinking alcohol, they must be drinking to the extreme. I’ve gotten myself ridiculously hammered from time to time, and I’ve never been so drunk as actually to piss myself. And this person is doing it multiple times? It sounds to me like a person with a severe drinking problem and likely someone I could not be in a relationship with. What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

If your partner is repeatedly wetting the bed due to excessive alcohol consumption, it can be a challenging situation to navigate. Here are some steps you might consider:

  1. Open Communication: Initiate a calm and non-judgmental conversation with your partner about their alcohol consumption and the impact it’s having on both of you. Express your concerns, emphasizing that you care about their well-being.
  2. Encourage Moderation: If alcohol consumption is identified as a contributing factor, encourage your partner to moderate their drinking. Discuss healthy drinking habits and the potential consequences of excessive alcohol intake.
  3. Seek Professional Help: If your partner’s drinking habits are problematic and affecting their health, consider suggesting professional help. This may involve seeing a healthcare provider, counselor, or attending support groups for individuals dealing with alcohol-related issues.
  4. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries regarding alcohol consumption, especially if it’s negatively impacting your relationship. Communicate your needs and expectations regarding responsible drinking and the impact on both of your lives.
  5. Support and Encouragement: Offer emotional support and encouragement if your partner decides to seek help or make changes to their drinking habits. Acknowledge their efforts and be patient as they work through any challenges.
  6. Address Underlying Issues: Excessive alcohol consumption can sometimes be a coping mechanism for underlying issues such as stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns. Encourage your partner to address these issues with professional help.
  7. Consider Relationship Impact: Reflect on how your partner’s behavior is affecting your relationship. If the issue persists and becomes a significant source of stress, it may be necessary to evaluate the overall health of the relationship and whether it aligns with your values and goals.

Remember, addressing such issues requires open communication, understanding, and a willingness to work together. If the situation becomes challenging to manage on your own, seeking the guidance of a relationship counselor or therapist can be beneficial in navigating these complexities.

Can your boyfriend wet the bed?

Not really, no. The first time I slept with my boyfriend, he wet the bed, and I was quite surprised. He had not told me he had bedwetting problems, so I had to ask him a couple of questions. After he had answered the questions, he said that he would wear diapers if I didn’t want him wetting my bed. I agreed to him wearing diapers, but the next time he came, he forgot to bring diapers. 

Luckily, my younger sister was still in them, so we borrowed some of them. We put some on him. This time it was worse, though. I woke up in the middle of the night and asked my boyfriend if he was wet. he said yes, so I took him to the bathroom to get him changed. We pulled down his PJ bottoms and took off his diaper. I gasped at the sight. He had pooped in his diaper! I was very relieved I had put him in a diaper. He went very red. I comforted him and said I didn’t mind. From then on, whenever he slept with me, he peed and pooped his diaper.

Would you date someone who wets the bed?

Yes, absolutely. My boyfriend is incontinent, and he wears diapers. Often wet the bed or his pants because he pees too much. But he is intelligent, charming, wise and cultured. I love him, and it’s not a problem if he pees and poop on him. A diaper is easy to change. A stupid mind is hard to change. Glad to have a guy like that.

It is often seen that some people wet the bed, specifically at night. There is nothing here to be ashamed or guilty of. Rather, one should understand why it is happening and help to prevent the same. It could happen for a number of reasons, as below :

  1. Stress
  2. Wild Dreams
  3. Anxiety
  4. Underlying medical conditions

In these cases, you need to comfort your partner and help them recover from this condition with the right help required.

If my girlfriend wets the bed, I will turn around and blame my significant other. I will be very worried for my wife because she never does that. Bedwetting is a sign of something so wrong that I would ask her if I should go with her to see the doctor so she can get a complete check-up.

A 16-year-old suddenly wets the bed. What should I do?

Get them back in diapers until you get them to a Doctor. Believe it or not, many teens face bedwetting issues. Diapers are a practical solution. I’ve had to use diapers for over 30 years; it’s not a big deal, really. Millions of people of all ages have to wear and use diapers every day and every night. What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

If a 16-year-old suddenly starts wetting the bed, it’s important to approach the situation with sensitivity and take appropriate steps to understand and address the issue. Bedwetting in older children or teenagers may be caused by various factors, and it’s essential to consider both medical and psychological aspects. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Stay Calm and Supportive:
    • Keep in mind that bedwetting is not uncommon, and it’s usually not the fault of the individual.
    • Approach the situation with empathy and reassurance rather than blame.
  2. Rule Out Medical Causes:
    • Consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may contribute to bedwetting. Conditions such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, or sleep disorders could be factors.
  3. Establish a Routine:
    • Encourage the teenager to establish a consistent bedtime routine, including going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.
    • Limit fluid intake in the evening, especially caffeinated or sugary drinks.
  4. Encourage Bathroom Breaks:
    • Suggest the teenager empty their bladder before going to bed to reduce the likelihood of bedwetting during the night.
  5. Use Protective Bedding:
    • Consider using waterproof mattress covers or disposable bed pads to make clean-up easier and protect the mattress.
  6. Avoid Punishment:
    • Avoid punishing or shaming the teenager for bedwetting. This can be a sensitive issue, and negative reactions may exacerbate the problem.
  7. Seek Psychological Support:
    • If stress, anxiety, or emotional issues are suspected contributors, consider involving a mental health professional or counselor to provide support and guidance.
  8. Monitor Progress:
    • Keep track of any patterns or changes in bedwetting incidents, and share this information with healthcare professionals if needed.
  9. Involve the Teenager in Solutions:
    • Include the teenager in discussions about potential solutions and strategies. This can empower them and foster a sense of responsibility.
  10. Maintain Open Communication:
    • Encourage the teenager to communicate openly about their feelings and concerns. Address any emotional or psychological aspects that may contribute to the issue.

If bedwetting persists or if there are concerns about the teenager’s physical or mental health, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and guidance. They can provide insights into the specific factors contributing to bedwetting and recommend appropriate interventions.

Does anyone wet the bed deliberately?

It’s a line I’ve never crossed. Still waiting. We are currently on vacation in the USA. I plan to do it when I sleep in my bed at home the first night. My bf knows, and a female user here on Quora knows, too. She is my idol. Yes, really, hehe. I peed in the most unlikely places. But never in bed. Sometimes, it is the first time for everything. And I’m looking forward to it like a child is looking forward to Christmas 😇

In some cases, deliberate bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis on purpose or functional enuresis, can occur. Deliberate bedwetting is not a common behavior, and it typically involves a psychological or emotional component. Some possible reasons why an individual might engage in deliberate bedwetting include:

  1. Attention-Seeking Behavior: The person may be seeking attention or attempting to manipulate a situation to gain a particular response from others.
  2. Emotional Distress: Deliberate bedwetting can be a manifestation of emotional distress, stress, or anxiety. It may serve as a coping mechanism or a way for the individual to express internal struggles.
  3. Control Issues: Some individuals may engage in deliberate bedwetting as a way of exerting control in situations where they feel powerless or lack control.
  4. Psychological Disorders: In some cases, deliberate bedwetting may be associated with certain psychological disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder.

It’s important to approach the situation with empathy and to consider the underlying reasons behind the behavior. If deliberate bedwetting is suspected, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a healthcare professional or mental health expert. A thorough evaluation can help identify the root causes and determine an appropriate course of action, which may involve counseling, therapy, or other interventions.

It’s crucial to approach discussions about bedwetting, whether deliberate or involuntary, with sensitivity and support, recognizing that there may be underlying emotional or psychological factors contributing to the behavior.

To people who wet the bed, how often do you get it? Every day? 3 days a week? How many?

I wet the bed every single time I’ve got to pee, and my bed is literally my toilet. Whenever I’ve got to go, I lay down on my bed, spread my legs, and relax my bladder. I have some friends who are into pee play, and I let them pee in my room to make it smell more like pee. I love how, as soon as you walk into my room, you can literally feel and smell the dense, warm, yellow liquid that is stained everywhere in my room. My friends and I pee everywhere in my room, including the bed! The bed that I sleep in is the same thing that my friends and I pee and do golden showers on. We even jerk off on the bed! What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

Bedwetting frequency can vary widely among individuals, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how often it occurs. Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis, can be a sporadic or persistent issue, and it may happen with varying frequency for different people.

Here are some general categories:

  1. Occasional Bedwetting:
    • Some individuals may experience bedwetting occasionally, such as once every few weeks or months. This sporadic occurrence might not significantly impact their daily lives.
  2. Frequent Bedwetting:
    • For others, bedwetting may happen more frequently, such as several times a week. This can be a more persistent challenge that may require attention and intervention.
  3. Regular Bedwetting:
    • In some cases, bedwetting can be a regular, nightly occurrence. This level of frequency may be indicative of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed, whether medical, psychological, or both.

It’s important to note that bedwetting is not limited to a specific age group, and it can affect both children and adults. In children, bedwetting is considered normal up to a certain age, but if it persists beyond that age or becomes a source of distress, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

For adults, persistent bedwetting can be a sign of an underlying medical condition, and it’s recommended to seek medical advice for a thorough evaluation.

If you or someone you know is dealing with bedwetting, especially if it is causing distress or impacting daily life, consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine the underlying causes and appropriate interventions.

What do you think of a female who’s always wet the bed?

I’m biased, but I consider myself to be perfectly normal.

I wet the bed owing to a combination of factors — a hormonal imbalance means I produce too much urine when sleeping; And I sleep too deeply always to feel the need to wake up; I have a small bladder; genetic factors have given me a predisposition to these. It’s like being dealt a hand of cards with all the aces — but bad aces.

I can’t help it, and neither can the other 1% of women who have grown up with nocturnal enuresis and never got rid of it.

But I can’t really answer what I think, but I do know what my boyfriend thinks if that’s any help. He is perfectly accepting of the problem, and it’s just a small part of what makes me me.

What’s the most recent time you wet the bed?

Naked in bed this morning, actually. I’ve wet my bed about 2 or more times per week on average since I was 13 years old. In the last 8 years, I have stepped that up to about 3 or more times. I’ve wet the bed more than 2,400 times. And there is nothing wrong with this. Who said it’s wrong to piss on the bed?

If, after marriage, your spouse has a problem of wetting the bed, what will you do?

Occasionally, adults sleep soundly at night, only to wake up soaked in urine. When this becomes frequent, it is cause for concern. Bed-wetting, which starts in adulthood, is rare but requires medical evaluation, experts say. For obvious reasons, adult bed-wetting is not a subject that invites open discussion. 

It is more of a skeleton-in-the-closet condition, which means many sufferers could be missing out on treatment.

“When an adult constantly wets the bed, he is likely to feel embarrassed about it and, therefore, miss out on help,


If bed-wetting begins suddenly in adulthood, it is normally a result of an underlying condition such as diabetes or heart failure, Kabweru warns. Adult bed-wetting can also result from weakness of the sphincter, the muscles that control the exit of urine in the urinary bladder through the urethra. 

In rare circumstances, a problem in the prostate, the gland surrounding the neck of the bladder, or the bladder, can spark off bed-wetting. If a man has an infection in the prostate, he may end up leaking urine because the biggest sphincter control in that area is impaired.

In addition, if someone has a spinal cord injury, his nervous system is likely to be damaged. Usually, a message is sent from the brain when the bladder needs emptying. However, when the spine is damaged, one may not feel the urge to urinate, yet once the bladder is full, it empties itself.


Because people who wet their beds may suffer emotional stress or psychological injury, they should seek counselling. Without diagnosis, drugs are unlikely to be beneficial. Therefore, a doctor needs to know the cause. One can also exercise. Nabunya recommends kegel exercises to aid bladder control. Pelvic muscle exercises can decrease urine leakage, urine urgency and frequency.

Prevention/coping tips

  1. Avoid sugary, caffeinated, artificially sweetened and carbonated drinks
  2. Limit alcohol intake
  3. Deal with urinary tract infections as soon as possible
  4. Time your drinks
  5. Set an alarm to wake you up in intervals so you can empty your bladder.
  6. What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?

How do you explain to your boyfriend who slept beside you that you wet the bed?

Well, that Depends. Okay, sorry for the pun. But it depends on if this is a regular occurrence or a one-off. If it is just a one-time thing, tell him and laugh about it. You drank too much before bed and must have been dreaming about the ocean.

Or say that you spilled something. Or blame it on the dog and say nothing. Then, only if he says something, laugh and say, “Jeez, what did you do…wet the bed?” And laugh. Or say, “I am so embarrassed, but last night I wet the bed. Where do you keep the clean sheets so I can remake your bed?”

No matter what you decide to do, if you choose to be honest with him, if he is anything other than kind and sympathetic, then get a new boyfriend.

Do you still wet the bed? How often do you wet yourself in bed?

I stopped wetting the bed by the time I was 7, but I had a friend in high school who wet the bed until he was 18 or 19. I know because we were sleeping together on a camping trip, and in the middle of the night, he peed in the bed and soaked both of us.

How can I wet the bed on accident? I am 14 and trying to start bed-wetting.

If you want to wet your bed, it is not an accident! Now, if you want to wet your bed and make people think it was an accident, drink a lot of water before bed, and when you have to go, don’t get up. For it to seem like you didn’t know it happened, you will have to stay in your wet, pee-soaked bed till morning, even after it gets cold and clammy. 

The next morning, you will have to strip your bed and dry out your mattress. Then your parents, If they believe it was an accident, will want a doctor’s opinion, so you will have to fool them as well and probably repeat this several more times in a very short time. Now, if you want to wear diapers, do things for extra money and take that money and buy your diapers. You will appreciate that you worked for them, and you can wear them at night without anyone knowing your business. 

That way, until you decide if this is what you want more permanently, then you chance your friends finding out your parents getting involved and probably a whole lot of questions from every angle coming at you all at once. Don’t get me wrong, I love my diapers, but I love that none of my family knew what I was doing, and neither did my friends. 

It was my secret. You have the advantage of the internet and talking to people on pages like this, where in the 1970s, those of us your age thought we were the only ones and trying to figure out why we were so drawn to diapers. Keep it your thing till you find out if it is what you want, and think about how your life will be different if family and friends know. Good Luck, we are here if you need us.

What do you do if your girlfriend wets the bed?