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What is blanket training?

What is blanket training?

What is blanket training?

“Blanket training” is a controversial and criticized practice associated with specific parenting and educational philosophies. It has been promoted by some proponents of the Quiverfull movement and certain conservative Christian teachings. It involves using a blanket as a training tool to teach infants and young children obedience and submission.

In blanket training, a child is placed on a blanket or mat, and toys or objects are placed just out of reach. The child is instructed not to move off the blanket without permission. If the child attempts to leave the blanket, they may be subjected to physical punishment or correction to discourage disobedience.

Critics argue that blanket training is not only potentially harmful but also raises ethical concerns. The practice has been criticized for its focus on strict obedience, the use of physical discipline, and the potential psychological and emotional impact on the child.

It’s essential to note that blanket training is not widely endorsed, and many parenting experts and child development professionals advise against the use of such practices.

Positive and nurturing approaches to parenting that focus on communication, understanding, and positive reinforcement are more effective and beneficial for a child’s well-being. Always consult with professionals and trusted sources when considering parenting methods to ensure the safety and well-being of children.

life path number 3

Can you give me an example of how blanket training is done?

Blanket training is a controversial parenting practice popularized by some conservative Christian parenting books and teachings. It involves using a blanket to train infants and young children to stay in a specific area without moving, often as a form of discipline. 

Critics argue that this practice can be harmful to a child’s development and well-being, while proponents believe it can promote obedience and discipline. It’s important to note that there is significant debate and controversy surrounding blanket training, and many child development experts caution against its use.

Certainly. Here’s an example of how blanket training might be implemented:

  1. A small blanket or mat is placed on the floor in a designated area of the home, such as a living room or a child’s bedroom.
  2. The parent or caregiver instructs the child, typically an infant or toddler, to sit or lie down on the blanket.
  3. The child is told to remain on the blanket and not to move from it. This can be reinforced through verbal commands, such as “Stay on the blanket” or “Don’t move.”
  4. If the child attempts to leave the blanket or move away, the parent or caregiver may use physical or verbal discipline to enforce compliance. This can include spanking, scolding, or other forms of punishment.
  5. The process is repeated consistently to condition the child to associate leaving the blanket with negative consequences and staying on it with positive reinforcement or avoidance of punishment.

It’s important to note that this is a generalized example, and the specific implementation of blanket training can vary between families and practitioners. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, blanket training is a controversial practice, and many child development experts caution against its use due to potential adverse effects on a child’s emotional well-being and development.

What are some potential negative effects of blanket training on a child’s emotional well-being and development?

There are several potential negative effects associated with blanket training on a child’s emotional well-being and development. These include:

Attachment and Trust Issues: Blanket training can undermine the development of secure attachment between the child and their caregiver. It may create an environment where the child feels controlled or punished for exploring their environment, leading to feelings of insecurity, mistrust, and anxiety.

Emotional Suppression: Blanket training often emphasizes obedience and compliance over emotional expression and autonomy. This can inhibit a child’s ability to understand and express their emotions effectively, potentially leading to emotional suppression or difficulties in emotional regulation.

Self-Esteem and Autonomy: Blanket training may hinder the development of a child’s sense of self-esteem and autonomy. Constantly being confined to a small area and discouraged from exploring their environment can limit their opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and independent decision-making.

Emotional and Behavioral Consequences: Children subjected to blanket training may experience increased levels of stress, frustration, and anxiety. This can manifest in behavioural issues such as defiance, aggression, or withdrawal.

Cognitive Development: Restricting a child’s movement and exploration may impact their cognitive development. Young children learn about their world through active exploration, and limiting these experiences may hinder their ability to develop problem-solving skills, creativity, and overall cognitive abilities.

It’s important to note that the potential adverse effects of blanket training are based on expert opinions and concerns raised by child development professionals. 

Every child and family is unique, and the impact of blanket training can vary. However, it is generally recommended to prioritize positive, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate approaches to parenting and discipline.

Is blanket training suitable for all horses?

No, blanket training is not suitable for all horses. Blanket training, also known as desensitization or introducing a horse to wearing a blanket, can be beneficial for some horses, especially those that will require blanketing in colder climates or for specific purposes like showing or transportation. However, it is essential to consider the individual temperament and needs of each horse before attempting blanket training.

Some horses may be naturally more accepting and adaptable, making them good candidates for blanket training. Others may be more sensitive, anxious, or resistant to new experiences, which can make the process more challenging. It’s crucial to approach blanket training with patience, positive reinforcement, and gradual exposure to the blanket to ensure the horse’s comfort and well-being.

Additionally, some horses may have physical conditions or sensitivities that make wearing a blanket uncomfortable or unsuitable for them. For example, horses with skin issues or injuries may require alternative forms of protection or management.

In all cases, it’s recommended to consult with a knowledgeable and experienced trainer or equine professional who can assess the specific needs and suitability of the horse for blanket training.

When can I cover my baby with a blanket in her crib?

You can easily Google all the guidelines, but let me tell you something real. I have never felt such pain and worry in my life as I had when my daughter was tiny.

Having just delivered a living human the size of a watermelon through one of the most sensitive parts of your body is more than enough to deal with at a time. 

Still, then the endless sleepless nights and days of worry, stress, constant crying (mostly from the baby, but I’ve cried my eyes out as well, to be honest), insecurity, endless milk bottles, hormonal roller-coasters, breastfeeding attempts and Google-ing. 

At the same time, I was unable even to sit, take a shower or go to the toilet without fainting from the pain. And this lasted literally for the first three months non-stop. It does get better day by day, agonizingly slowly, though. And then you have the rules. Made by organizations based on previous incidents, primarily by (sometimes male) doctors based on scientific data collected. 

As guidelines, they are instrumental and informative. But they lack one main ingredient: mother’s love. Mothers know what’s best for their children. They have the instinct inside their souls.

While SIDS is a genuine danger, these guidelines on preventing SIDS are helpful information to identify what the risks are. It is essential to be well aware of them. But the rules need to be considered and adjusted to what fits the needs of you and your baby best because you two are one of a kind.

Let me give you my example.

I studied the photo of an empty crib with a fitted sheet and no pillow, blankets or toys inside. I’ve put my baby in her sleeping suit, with a room temperature of 20-22 Celsius, alone in her empty crib at hand reach from my bed. Strictly as advised by the safety guidelines.

Well, there was a problem. My daughter cried every time I would put her in her cold prison cell. Neither she nor I could get any sleep for the next month. I was very serious about following the doctor’s recommendations, fearing I would suffocate my baby with a teddy, blanket, or, God forbid, my body if I failed to put her back in her crib before dozing off while holding her. 

I became more stressed, unbelievably tired and even suicidal as time went on because I saw no end to this agony of no sleep and constant crying.

Then what started happening was, while I would feed my baby, I would fall asleep with her in my arms in my bed and wake up hours later with her sleeping happily, and I felt amazed but highly guilty for what I thought was risking my child’s life by my lack of strength to follow the rules. But the baby, just like a tiny newborn kitten, wanted the smell, warmth and security of her mother right by her side. 

And she didn’t want it any other way. The “alarm” (crying) would go off the moment she was laid into the “security” of her isolated sleeping space, aka crib.

I started reading about the benefits of co-sleeping with infants. About how the mother’s body temperature changes to adjust to the child’s needs when in close contact with the child. How most SIDS cases happen when a baby is alone in the crib. 

How most cases of infant suffocation occurred when the mother consumed alcohol before lying next to her infant, when the parent dozed off from exhaustion on a sofa, or when the baby in their arms then fell or suffocated.

Even though I realized co-sleeping is a good thing for us, I was still so scared of it because of the recommendations that were carved into my brain. Then, one night, I decided that, rather than jumping off a cliff due to exhaustion and depression, I would move my daughter into my bed, following the main safety guidelines.

I removed my duvet and slept with only one light blanket and a thin pillow in the corner of the bed. I would instinctively put my body in a no roll-over position towards my child. Her blanket would be tucked in under her in such a way that it could never end up over her face, and I never used any medicines or substances that could alter my sense of awareness while I co-slept with my baby. I also bought railings for my bed so she could not fall off.

From that moment, we both slept through the night, only waking up for feeds and diaper changes. Life became good. We bonded. I became so aware of any changes in her that I would wake up as soon as she opened her eyes. She never had to cry to get my attention. She was no longer alone and afraid.

My fears were gone. I knew what was best for her. Mothers do have special sensors. It probably comes with the hormones. My mother was right when she kept on telling me how people had kids before guidelines, the Internet, or baby cots existed. And they sometimes had ten kids in a family, all co-sleeping, and blankets were the least of their worries. LOL!

A mother knows. Trust your instincts while following safety guidelines and being aware of the SIDS risks whilst taking precautions to prevent it.

If you feel your baby needs a blanket, give a blanket, but an appropriate size to be tucked in from all sides, keeping the top end away from falling over your child’s face if the baby should lift their hands or roll to the side.

What have I learned from my experience?

Listen to your instincts, always be aware of the risks, and take the best steps to minimize them.

Find what’s best for you and your child, and then follow it.

What is “blanket training”, and what are its benefits for infants?

I always give blankets as a baby gift, very soft with satin. I buy two precisely alike, in case one is lost or dirty. I suggest that the parent alternate using them so that they wear out at the same time. Blanket training helps the child develop security. 

It is comforting to the child when the parent is not around. Babies will be less apt to suck their thumb or pacifier if they have a “blankie”. Offer the blanket instead of the pacifier. A pacifier or thumb will inhibit language development. A child doesn’t need to be weaned from a blanket.

“Blanket training” is a term associated with specific parenting methods, particularly within some conservative Christian communities. However, it’s important to note that blanket training is a controversial practice that many parenting experts and child development professionals have criticized.

In blanket training, a child is typically placed on a blanket or mat and is given a set of toys or objects. The child is then expected to stay on the blanket and not move beyond its boundaries without permission. If the child attempts to leave the blanket, they may receive physical correction or punishment to discourage disobedience.

While proponents of blanket training argue that it instils discipline and obedience in children from a young age, critics emphasize concerns about the potential harm it may cause. 

The use of physical punishment and restrictive measures can have adverse effects on a child’s emotional well-being, self-esteem, and overall development. 

Critics argue that there are more effective and compassionate ways to teach children discipline and boundaries without resorting to punitive measures.

It’s important to note that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and many child development experts discourage the use of physical punishment and emphasize positive discipline techniques that focus on communication, understanding, and positive reinforcement.

In summary, blanket training is a controversial parenting practice, and its benefits for infants are disputed. Many experts recommend approaches that prioritize positive and nurturing interactions with children, fostering their emotional and cognitive development in a supportive environment. 

If you have concerns or questions about parenting techniques, it’s advisable to consult with paediatricians or child development specialists for guidance tailored to your child’s specific needs.

Why do children get attached to blankets?

Children are attached to their mothers and then, later, their fathers. They only distinguish I/Thou once they begin the process of Individuation, which is a life-long process that starts when babies first become aware of their vulnerability without the protection of their primary attachment.

You can notice the beginnings of Individuation when a child becomes anxious at the absence of their primary caregiver/attached one. For example, s/he will be reluctant to leave the arms of their primary caregiver.

A blanket or stuffed animal serves as a transitional object during the beginning stages of Individuation. The parent is absent (at work or exercising or running errands), and the child holds onto the object instead of holding onto the absent parent; the object is a parent-surrogate, called a ‘transitional object’ as it helps a baby and child transition from being with a parent, to being without a parent.

Loneliness and existential awareness that we are all alone are harrowing experiences for immature and vulnerable babies. To make existential awareness less painful, a soft and warm transitional object is used as a comforting reminder and a tangible symbol of the permanency of human connection, even when the most beloved one is not physically present.

When can I cover my baby with a blanket in her crib?

Tell you what, love, follow your instincts, not Google. I found that a horseshoe pillow and soft blanket under the baby help, same as the wearable blanket for a night if it feels chilly. 

The pillow goes around the baby and gives them the feeling of being in a womb. Also, for the first few weeks, old school baby wrapping works – wrap baby in a blanket like in a cocoon so he doesn’t have a chance to move his arms cause that’s what wakes them up – those sudden movements of their arms.

Also, if you feel better with the baby sleeping next to u – do it; follow basic Co-sleeping guidelines, like having a horseshoe pillow around the baby so you don’t accidentally roll on the baby, but tell you what – unless you’re drunk or high, you feel your baby and honestly -u sleep better. 

Baby sleeps better cause even with the pillow separating you, he feels your presence and hears your heartbeat. Good luck, and follow your heart and instincts cause every baby is different, but they all have one thing in common – they need their mommy!

What is a blanket comparison?

How to choose a blanket? If you decide to purchase a blanket, then pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. By the technology of sewing, the blanket is divided into three types: quilted, carostep, and cassette. 
  2. The quilted blanket is made on special quilting machines. In such products, the filler is securely fastened using a particular fastener.
  3. Karostep blanket has more excellent thermal insulation than quilted ones. Usually, it is made by hand because of the complexity of the pattern.
  4. The cassette blanket consists of separate sections (cassettes); each section is filled with fluff, and the filler will not move.

The size

• one and a half (single);

• double;

• сhildren’s;

• for newborns

There are no single-valued parameters for blankets. Standards in all countries are different.


The blanket is embroidered with natural, ecological and practical fabrics that provide hygroscopicity and air conductivity. All use the following materials: cotton, knitwear, silk, and jacquard, which hold the filler well and let in air.

Composition of the filler.

This is the most essential criterion which should be paid attention to. Fillers for blankets can be natural (fluff, wool, cashmere, silk, bamboo, lyocell, cotton) and synthetic (sintepon, polyester, holidayer).

Most often, the packaging of blankets indicates the degree of heat transfer in the form of particular points. There are more points; the blanket will be the water.

A blanket, like any other thing, requires timely proper care. Experts advise to follow simple rules:

• The blanket should be ventilated at least once a week.

• The synthetic blanket should be washed in a washing machine every month.

• For wool blankets, only hand washing is acceptable at a water temperature of no more than 30 ° C, with the addition of special detergent intended for wool.

• Silk blankets should be best given to dry cleaners, where professionals will do their work. The only thing you can do yourself is periodically dry and shake it.

Why do children get attached to blankets?

Little kids get attached to different things when they are very young. IMO, they feel that a blanket or doll or floppy elephant is a ‘comfort item’. They can pretend to tuck it in at night or wrap the blanket around them or over them. Some kids enjoy this ‘phase’, and some kids don’t ever participate.

My eldest daughter was attached to a cloth doll I made for her when her baby sister was born. She stuck little round Band-Aids all over that doll, and she slept with it every night. When I breastfed her baby sister, she would also ‘nurse’ her doll…. lovely.

When that baby sister got a little older, her grandmother gave her a pink blanket that was ultra-soft. She carried that blanket around with her as if it were a little person for about a year; then, she left it on her pillow during the day.

My son never carried anything around other than everything my daughters didn’t want him to touch. 😀

I don’t know the reasons why some kids do this and others do not. But in my mind, it’s just part of their growing experience that seems to make them feel happy. That seems like a good thing to me.

What is the exact meaning of “blanket term”?

The phrase blanket term (a.k.a. umbrella term) is an idiom. It means a specific term or phrase that’s used to describe multiple groups of related things (e.g. racial groupings such as Whites, Blacks, Asians, etc). A blanket term is inherently inaccurate or inherently unspecific but gives ease of use.

The term “blanket term” refers to a broad, general, and inclusive term that encompasses a wide range of related items, concepts, or groups, often simplifying or generalizing a complex set of ideas. A blanket term is a category or label used to cover a diverse set of elements that share some common characteristics.

Here’s an example to illustrate the concept:

  • Blanket Term: “Fruit”
    • Specific Items Covered: Apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, etc.

In this example, “fruit” is the blanket term that encompasses various specific types of fruits. It is a general label that includes a diverse range of individual fruits with different tastes, textures, and characteristics.

Blanket terms are often used for convenience or to simplify communication, but they can sometimes oversimplify complex issues or fail to capture the nuances within a diverse group. It’s essential to recognize that the use of blanket terms may not capture the full diversity and complexity of the items or concepts they represent.

What is a military blanket?

A military blanket is a type of wool blanket that is designed and manufactured to meet the specific needs of military personnel. These blankets are typically made from heavy-duty wool or wool blends and are known for their durability, warmth, and moisture-wicking properties.

Military blankets are often used in field and combat situations, as well as in barracks and other military living quarters. They can also be used for a variety of different purposes, such as in emergency response situations, camping, and outdoor activities.

Military blankets may come in a range of sizes and colours and may include features such as reinforced edges, fire-resistant materials, and moisture-resistant coatings. They are designed to provide reliable warmth and comfort in a variety of harsh environments and are often considered essential pieces of equipment for military personnel.

A military blanket is a type of blanket that is designed and produced for use by military personnel in various branches of the armed forces. These blankets are crafted with specific features to meet the needs and demands of military environments. 

While there may be variations in design and materials, military blankets generally share common characteristics:

  1. Durability: Military blankets are often made from durable materials that can withstand harsh conditions, repeated use, and rigorous laundering. The goal is to provide a long-lasting and reliable bedding option for military personnel.
  2. Warmth: Given that military personnel may operate in diverse climates, military blankets are designed to provide sufficient warmth. They may be made from materials that offer insulation, helping individuals stay comfortable in various temperature conditions.
  3. Portability: Military blankets are designed to be relatively lightweight and easy to transport. Portability is essential for soldiers who may need to carry their bedding as part of their gear during field operations or deployments.
  4. Versatility: These blankets may be versatile in their use, serving not only as a traditional covering during rest but also as a multipurpose item. They might be used as ground covers, makeshift shelters, or even for signalling in emergencies.
  5. Easy Maintenance: Military blankets are typically designed for easy maintenance. They should be resistant to wear and tear and easy to clean, as military personnel may not always have access to extensive laundry facilities.
  6. Camouflage or Neutral Colors: In many cases, military blankets are produced in colours that blend with the army environment or in neutral tones to avoid standing out in various settings.

Military blankets are part of the broader category of military gear and equipment designed to meet the unique challenges faced by armed forces personnel. The specific design and features may vary depending on the branch of the military and the intended use of the blanket.

What is a receiving blanket used for?

They are all-purpose blankets made of lightweight materials such as thermal waffles, polyester, fleece, muslins, flannel, and more eco-friendly options such as organic cotton or bamboo. They are either square or rectangular and are not overly thick, so they can be quickly wrapped around the baby to help maintain their body heat. 

Newborns need to preserve their caloric intake for weight gain and can waste calories maintaining their fragile temperatures. The term “receiving blanket” refers to the original use, which was to “receive” the baby at their birth. While they are still used in hospitals, receiving blankets has many uses beyond those first moments. 

They can substitute for a changing mat in a pinch, function as a burp cloth, cover a nursing mother, shade a sleeping baby in a car seat, provide a clean surface for the baby to lay upon, as well as a variety of other uses. However, one of the most popular uses of the basic receiving blanket is to swaddle a baby for sleep.

How is a weighted blanket valuable therapy for children?

Weighted blankets are not only suitable for some children, but they are suitable for some adults, too. People with neurological conditions often benefit from deep pressure and find it calming. 

The weighted blanket gives that without needing a big pile of bedding. It works because deep pressure helps the body produce the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. These allow people to feel good by dampening stress responses like flight or fight and also help the body to manage anxiety by calming. 

Only some people like or need weighted blankets, and it is also essential to ensure that the blanket is the right weight in comparison to both body weight and comfort level. More is not always better.

Can I take a blanket to basic training?

You can take it, but you won’t be allowed to keep it with you during training. You’ll be issued linens for your bed, and you won’t be allowed to use any of your linens. 

Once you get your uniforms issued on the first or second day, you will have to put all of your civilian items into your civilian luggage, and those bags will be locked in a security closet for the duration of basic training.

However, if you like your blanket and it isn’t too big, go ahead and bring it with you so that when you go to your follow-up technical school, you will have it with you. You are allowed to have some personal items at technical school.

The policies regarding personal items, including blankets, during basic training in the military, can vary depending on the branch and specific regulations of the training facility. In general, most military branches have strict guidelines on what personal items recruits are allowed to bring during basic training.

Recruits often receive a list of authorized items they are allowed to bring, and this list typically includes essential items such as clothing, toiletries, and necessary paperwork. Military training is highly structured, and recruits are usually provided with the necessities of the training facility.

Bringing a personal blanket to basic training might not be explicitly allowed, and recruits are often required to use the bedding and supplies provided by the military facility. The goal is to ensure uniformity and control over the training environment.

Suppose you have specific questions about what you can or cannot bring to basic training in a particular branch of the military. In that case, it is advisable to contact your recruiting office or refer to the official guidelines provided by the military branch. Following the prescribed guidelines helps ensure a smooth and standardized experience for all recruits during basic training.

How does a blanket work?

Several things happen with a blanket:

  1. It prevents the warm air around your body from being dissipated into the environment.
  2. It is generally not a good conductor of heat. Hence, the atmosphere around your body and your body itself loses heat more slowly than it would if you were wrapped in a material like, say, aluminium foil.
  3. Because of the way people are built, they move the blanket around and automatically adjust the temperature of parts of the body.

Pretty cool. Or rather, not.

How do I make an easy baby blanket?

The easiest way is to get one yard of pre-quilted material from the fabric store. Find seam binding to match and sew it all around, and then turn the seam binding in and stitch the edges under.

Usually, the material is reversible, so you have two different sides. If you don’t know the gender of the baby, a lovely yellow check is nice. You can get fancy and embroider a name on it to personalize it!

What is the exact meaning of “blanket term”?

I find that when people utilize the term “fabric X”, it usually means something that will fit over everything. Carpet bombing means just to bomb anything and everything. The blanket term implies that the term is all-inclusive. In other words, it’s cultivated.


“Blanket training is an allocated amount of time during the day where an infant or toddler is required to remain on a blanket or play mat for a limited period of time, with a few selected toys.” It’s part of a draconian method of child-rearing that recommends you train your child as you would a dog.

Blanket training is the process of using blankets to help your baby learn how to comfort themselves, such as by placing them over their face when they cry or letting them suck on a soft blanket. It can help parents calm distressed babies and avoid crying fits.

Blanket training is an allocated amount of time during the day when an infant or toddler is required to remain on a blanket or play mat for a limited period with a few selected toys.

What is blanket training?