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What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

“Baldur’s Gate 3” is a complex and evolving game, and its mechanics and consequences may change with updates. It’s developed by Larian Studios, and player actions can have a significant impact on the story and gameplay.

As of my last information, attacking Withers in “Baldur’s Gate 3” could lead to various outcomes depending on your character’s abilities, choices made during the encounter, and the overall state of the game.

Here are some possible consequences:

  1. Combat: Withers is a character that you can engage in combat with. Depending on your character’s strength, abilities, and party composition, you may succeed or fail in defeating Withers in battle.
  2. Story Consequences: “Baldur’s Gate 3” is known for its branching narrative and choices that affect the game’s storyline. Attacking Withers might have repercussions on the relationships with other characters, influence the direction of the story, or trigger specific events.
  3. Alternate Solutions: In some cases, players might find alternate solutions to conflicts rather than resorting to combat. Diplomacy, persuasion, or using specific abilities might provide different outcomes.
  4. Alignment and Reputation: Your character’s alignment and reputation in the game may be affected by your choices and actions. Attacking characters without cause might lead to changes in your character’s alignment or reputation in the world.
  5. What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3

Keep in mind that game development is an ongoing process, and the information provided is based on the state of the game. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend checking the latest patch notes, developer announcements, or community forums related to “Baldur’s Gate 3.” Game mechanics and consequences can change with updates and patches.

Withers is an NPC that you will meet with your company in the first act of Baldur’s Gate 3. He doesn’t fight, but he does provide services for the resurrection. You have the choice to attack him when you first meet him. What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3

What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

Nothing. It is canonical that withers cannot be harmed. You can attempt to harm him, but it will not succeed. He won’t even bat an eyelid if you select the assault command in dialogue. He doesn’t even seem to care. Although not much is known about Wither’s past or the source of his power, he is not impressed by your attempts to harm him.

From a gaming standpoint, it makes more sense that you cannot damage or even disturb Withers than it does from a narrative one. If everything else fails and you run out of resurrection scrolls, the only way to bring a dead character back to life is to wither. It’s also the only way to access hirelings.

Some features of Baldur’s Gate 3 would stop working without him. What happens if someone makes a mistake and, although it seems unlikely, they don’t have a save point they can go back to? Up the creek, that is.

But why would you want to, I wonder? Withers is a very kind man. Is it that he appears lifeless? That is cruel.

It doesn’t mean that someone will devour your brains just because they have a zombie-like appearance. He strikes me as a laid-back guy.

Even if he’s a little tired of life, he still has some concern for others. I would socialize with him. I wouldn’t attack him, but I might play some Baldur’s Gate 3 with him. What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3.

What happens if you fight withers?

If you hit him periodically, you will get a decent testing ground for your weapon, abilities, and spells, as seen in the combat log. Nope. If you attack him at a specific time and then talk to him, he can explain why he takes no damage, but that’s all.

Fighting Withers in “Baldur’s Gate 3” can have various consequences, and the outcome may depend on your party’s abilities, choices made during the encounter, and the overall state of the game. Keep in mind that the game is in early access, and details may change with updates and patches.

Here are some general possibilities that might happen if you choose to fight Withers:

  1. Combat Outcome: Engaging in combat with Withers will lead to a battle. Depending on your party’s level, abilities, and tactics, you may succeed or fail in defeating Withers.
  2. Story Consequences: “Baldur’s Gate 3” is known for its branching narrative and choices that impact the storyline. Fighting Withers might have consequences for relationships with other characters, influence the direction of the story, or trigger specific events.
  3. Loot and Rewards: After defeating Withers, you may have the opportunity to loot their body and find items or equipment. Be sure to check the area for any valuable items.
  4. Experience Points: Successfully defeating enemies typically grants experience points to your party members, helping them level up and gain new abilities.
  5. Alignment and Reputation: Your character’s alignment and reputation in the game may be affected by choosing to engage in combat. Consider the moral implications of your actions and how they align with your character’s personality.
  6. What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

It’s important to note that “Baldur’s Gate 3” is still in early access, and the game is being actively developed by Larian Studios. This means that details, mechanics, and outcomes may change with updates. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consider checking the latest patch notes, developer communications, or community forums associated with the game.

Is Withers a God?

Withers was a skeletal humanoid, half-dressed in bandages and covered in priestly robes, with a peculiar kind of metal jewelry adorning its head and chest. Withers exuded a sense of both divinity and unavoidable, eternal death to those who were tuned in. Withers is revealed to be the god Jergal in a post-credits scene as well as an in-game book.

Withers | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom

Withers was able to provide a sort of resurrection by “mending the threads” that separated life and death. He had a quality of divine power, like the chosen one of a deity.

He was carrying a basic quarterstaff. Withers described himself as a “servant to obligation” and an “arbiter of certain matters.” As a result of his words, you are now in front of me. As usual, correct… I have a question for you now: how much is a single mortal’s life worth?

withers to the explorer who materialized in front of his crypt. Withers was buried in a sarcophagus intended for the “Guardian of Tombs” inside the Jergal temple long before the Second Sundering.

Withers was entrusted with aiding the survivors of a crashed nautiloid on the west Faerûn Sword Coast in the Year of Three Ships Sailing, 1492 DR. There was nothing he could do about it but accept it. What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3.

Is Withers from Tomb of Annihilation?

This may be a just a coincidence, but a character named Withers already exists in the DnD 5e canon.

The original Withers is also an undead and he appears in the Tomb of Annihilation adventure book (published in 2017) — he’s a faithful servant of the archlich Acererak (big DnD baddie) and he acts as an “aministrator” of the titular tomb that the players have to venture into.

Regarding chronology, I’m pretty sure that BG3 takes place after Tomb of Annihilation. Elturel’s descent into Avernus is mentioned in the game, and we know that Tomb of Annihilation (or at least the initial portion of it) takes places before the descent.

We know this because the character Liara Portyr (a high ranking Flaming Fist officer) is mentioned in the BG: Descent into Avernus adventure module (which, obviously, revolves around the descent itself) as having just returned from the jungle penninsula of Chult (where you can meet her during Tomb of Annihilation, and where the ToA adventure takes place).

So my question is: why would they name this BG3 character Withers if a character with that name already exists?

Could he be the same Withers that you meet in ToA? And if that’s the case : a) what’s he doing here?, and b) do you think we can expect to see Acererak or at least hear about him?

My long-shot theory is that Acererak is interested in the strange way that our ceremorphosis is developing and wants to take advantage of us in some way, and so he’s using Withers as a spy and helping us indirectly to make sure we survive long enough to help him reach some dark, bad guy goal. That’s the first thing that comes to my mind. Wht do you think? Has this been discussed already?

I also assumed it was the same Withers, because he was named “Guardian of Ancient Tombs”. Hmm. Now where would he have gotten that title? Also, the jewelry could very well be omuan inspired. I am 100% convinced that this is indeed is ToA whithers.

Ace having investment in our ceromorphis is an interesting take. Dunno if it holds water but it’s a good thing to keep an eye on! From my understanding he was just going to bide his time for a few years after ToA, so yeah this would be a good way for him to come back. What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

Should I attack the harpers in Baldur’s Gate 3?

On a practical level, being an enemy of the Harpers will allow players to level up fast by wiping out the inhabitants of the Last Light Inn. However, this will disable a healthy chunk of quests. Evil characters won’t mind, but good-aligned players should always take the Harpers’ side at this stage.

In “Baldur’s Gate 3,” the decisions you make and the actions you take can have significant consequences, and they may impact the storyline and interactions with various factions. The Harpers are one of the factions in the game, and your relationship with them can be affected by your choices.

Whether you should attack the Harpers or not depends on your character’s alignment, motivations, and the narrative choices you want to explore.

Here are some general considerations:

  1. Alignment: Consider your character’s alignment. Attacking a faction might align with a more aggressive or chaotic character, while a lawful or good character may prefer peaceful interactions.
  2. Story Consequences: Attacking the Harpers could lead to repercussions, affecting your relationship with them and potentially closing off certain questlines or opportunities. On the other hand, it might open up alternative paths.
  3. Role-Playing Choice: If you’re aiming for a specific role-playing experience, choose actions that align with your character’s personality, goals, and beliefs.
  4. Gameplay Consequences: Be prepared for combat consequences. Attacking a faction might result in challenging battles, and it’s essential to consider your party’s strength and your readiness for potential conflicts.
  5. Multiple Playthroughs: “Baldur’s Gate 3” encourages multiple playthroughs to explore different storylines and outcomes. If you’re unsure, you might save your game before making a critical decision to see the consequences and then reload if you’re not satisfied.
  6. What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

It’s important to note that “Baldur’s Gate 3” is in early access, and the game is actively being developed by Larian Studios. Updates and changes to the game may introduce new consequences and options for player actions. Always check the latest patch notes and community discussions for the most up-to-date information.

Ultimately, the choice to attack the Harpers or any other faction is part of the role-playing experience, and it’s meant to enhance the player’s immersion in the game world.

Does the Wither have a weakness?

The wither is immune to fire, lava, drowning damage, and freezing. Like other undead mobs, the wither is harmed by the Instant Health effect and healed by the Instant Damage effect as well as affected by weapons with the Smite enchantment. It is immune to all other status effects, like the ender dragon.

What happens if you never find withers?

If you fail to get Withers at this point, he will show up to your camp randomly seeking to join you. But choosing to get him right away is smart, as he’s quite useful.

Is Withers the death god?

Withers is potentially linked to the forgotten god of death, Jergal, as hinted by his location in the catacombs and his mocking remarks towards The Dead Three. Withers’ resurrection abilities are the most powerful in the game, suggesting a close connection to the gods or a possible affiliation with them.

What happens if you spawn the Wither in The End?

If you spawn the Wither in The End in Minecraft, it will behave differently than in the Overworld. The Wither will not attack endermen, and endermen will not attack the Wither. Additionally, the Wither’s blue skulls will pass through the ender dragon without causing it any harm. However, the Wither will still attack the player and any other entities in The End, making the battle more challenging.

Keep in mind that the Wither’s destructive power can still pose a significant threat to the environment and structures in The End.

Assuming you’ve killed the dragon the End is probably the best place to spawn the wither. This is because it’s a different dimension so it can’t go and destroy all your stuff in your actual world. And to answer your question it will spawn pretty much the same as in the over world. But if you haven’t killed the dragon it will be a nightmare.

What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?

Additionally the wither will not only attack you but all the ender man walking around.

What happens if you try and summon the wither in peaceful? What about the Ender Dragon? What would happen if you went to the end in peaceful?

That’s actually funny thing. This one time I wanted to test which armor is better to fight the Wither – Blast Protection or just Protection. I fired up creative superflat and… darn, these slimes are everywhere, let me turn the peaceful mode on. Right. Slimes despawn, I made a wide flat obsidian arena and I forgot about the peaceful mode. I built the Wither and here’s what happened:

He’s just standing there like a scarecrow. Better yet, if you turn from Peaceful to Easy now, it still won’t summon.

The Ender Dragon is different. It’s (currently) statistically impossible to enter the End dimension on Peaceful. In order to unlock the End portal you need Eye of Ender. Eye of Ender has to be crafted using Blaze powder, you can’t get the Blaze powder on peaceful (because Blazes won’t spawn on peaceful). However, there’s still a slim to none chance your world will generate with a filled End Portal frame and the portal is already open.

There are some seeds on Java that were found with complete End portal. In this case you can enter the End even on Peaceful and the Dragon will still spawn and you can beat her. If you enter the End on any other difficulty and switch to Peaceful, the dragon won’t despawn.

This has happened before.

The Wither will attack all mobs that are not undead. This includes Endermen, the Ender Dragon, and Shulkers. While you would think the dragon and Wither would fight it out, you’re wrong. Instead, the Wither will just go after Endermen.

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What happens if you attack Withers in Balder’s Gate 3?