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What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Edna Troche Cintrón (October 14, 1954 – September 11, 2001), also known as the Waving Woman, was a Marsh McLennan-employed worker at the World Trade Center who was killed in the September 11 attacks of 2001.

Edna Cintron was a worker at the World Trade Center who was photographed by multiple news outlets waving for help from a hole in the North Tower after the building was struck by a plane on September 11, 2001. Unfortunately, her fate remains unknown, and she is presumed to have perished in the attacks. The iconic photograph of her has become a symbol of the tragedy of 9/11.

Edna Cintron was a victim of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. She gained recognition due to a photograph taken of her during the attacks.

The photograph shows Edna Cintron appearing to be waving or reaching out from one of the impact zones of the North Tower. Her image has been widely circulated and has become a symbol of the tragedy that unfolded on that day.

Unfortunately, like many others who were in the World Trade Center towers during the attacks, Edna Cintron lost her life. The exact circumstances of her final moments remain unknown, as many details from that day are based on limited information and the accounts of witnesses.

The attacks on the World Trade Center resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and had a profound impact on the United States and the world. The victims, including Edna Cintron, are remembered and honored as part of the tragic events of 9/11.

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What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

This is possible the last photo of “Edna” about 1 minute before the North Tower collaped. If you zoom to the location where she was first seen waving, you can see that she is still in the exact same spot, holding on to the same column, partially shrouded by smoke. Notice that the entire floor below her is now completely engulfed.

The second image is zoomed in on “Edna.”. The third image shows the exterior columns beginning to bend inward. At the very top of the photo, you can see brown dust or smoke; this is from concrete failing. The tower was just starting to collapse as the photograph was taken.

Edna Cintron was an employee for Marsh and McLennan, located on floors 93–100 of WTC1 (North Tower).

The company (I think they are insurance) just happened to be located right on all six floors of the impact. Almost everyone would have been killed instantly, but the lady in the picture below survived the impact and explosion.

Since floors 93–99 were hit and the woman is at the bottom of the hole, we can assume she was on the 93rd floor. I read somewhere that Edna worked on the 93rd floor. So let’s compare the two pictures

I believe that, after comparing the pictures, the woman here is Edna. There was, however, a claim from the fiancé of Karen Juday, a victim, that this was Karen instead. He claimed this because he said the clothes the lady in the hole is wearing are what his late fiancée was wearing that day. But here are two reasons why I doubt this: Ms. Juday…

  1. Several people worked in the World Trade Center, 50,000 at max. So it was probably not uncommon for people to be wearing similar clothes.
  2. Ms. Juday worked for Cantor Fitzgerald, and her office was on floor 101.

So why would a Cantor Fitzgerald employee be downstairs in the office of Marsh and McLennan? Precisely eight levels down from her office. That’s enough to doubt that the lady is Ms. Juday, and in fact, she is Edna.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Back to the question, though. Edna was not among the survivors. Anyone from floor 92 up to 110 was trapped. They either died by smoke inhalation, jumping or falling to their deaths, or in the collapse, but looking at pictures of the North Tower prior to its collapse, I doubt anyone was still alive above floor 99 at around 10:28 am.

There was a picture of what is believed to be Edna falling or jumping. I decided not to show it, as some viewers may find it distressing, but assuming that the woman is Edna, we know that while all her colleagues were killed by the impact and preceding explosion, she survived for some time. But because it would have been hot in that area, she may have realized she would not make it out alive and that the rescue services would not be able to get up in time. If she jumped, it’s because she realized this, and if she fell, it’s because she slipped or lost her balance. It’s a tough decision that hopefully none of us will have to face.

“The photograph shows the area where the plane struck the North Tower. A woman is visible near the bottom edge, on about the 97th floor. She is holding on to a severed pillar, waving. The picture conveys the utter despair of those trapped inside.

“Numerous websites identified the woman as Edna Cintron (46), an employee with the insurance brokers Marsh & McLennan. Cintron’s husband reportedly confirmed her identity.

“Because Cintron was standing at the point of impact, some bloggers have assumed that the heat couldn’t have been sufficiently intense to melt the steel inside the building. Cintron’s photo ostensibly supports the hypothesis that the towers were intentionally blown up.

“This is, of course, nonsense. Telephone calls made by victims show that not all the offices on the floors hit by the planes were destroyed immediately. Nor was the temperature consistent throughout each floor. Some of the trapped reported that they had fled to cooler areas, and the areas where the fire was sucking in fresh air were coolest of all, i.e. at the points where the aircraft had breached the walls.

“Most likely, hardly anything about this story is accurate, even the woman’s name; there is no evidence to substantiate her identity. Her husband, who reportedly recognized her, has discussed his wife’s death in several interviews without ever referring to the picture. None of her colleagues, including the company’s own memorial site on the Internet, has mentioned the photo. The only certainty is that the real Edna Cintron was not among the survivors. Nobody knows if she is the mystery woman in the picture.”

How many people died in the North Tower on 9/11?

On September 11, 2001, the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City was struck by American Airlines Flight 11. The exact number of people who died in the North Tower is difficult to determine precisely due to the chaotic nature of the attacks and the subsequent collapse of the building. However, it is estimated that approximately 1,402 individuals lost their lives in the North Tower, including office workers, first responders, and others who were present in the building at the time of the attack. These numbers are based on available information and may vary slightly depending on different sources.

The ghost of Edna Cintron was seen waving to be rescued until the very moment when she disappeared forever in the WTC North Tower collapse.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Her husband (William Cintron) believed that the woman in the photo indeed was his wife, based on her outfit and blonde hair. (There was another husband of a victim who worked at Cantor Fitzgerald (four floors above the Marsh and McLennan floors Edna worked at), Karen Juday, but based on the location in the building, most probably it was Edna and not Karen.)

Some people think that Edna was seen jumping to her oblivion in pictures such as the one below, but apparently there are images of Edna seen waving until the very moment at which the North Tower collapsed. So it wasn’t her.

The sheer idea that Edna Cintron was seen waving till the very end—maybe to say goodbye to her loved ones when all hope had evaporated into thin air—is extremely dramatic and very significant.

It was September 11 of the year 2001. And seconds later, she would be gone.

She miraculously survived the plane’s impact, found her way to the torn out part of the side of the building and waved to see if she could get somebody’s attention. There are several photos & videos of her standing there waving and there is a YouTube video about her that I actually watched last night. It was very informative and very sad. She stood just inside the building waving, trying to get fresh air, and hanging on until the very end. She was alive when the building collapsed on top of her.

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What did it feel like to be inside the World Trade Center at the time of the 9/11 attacks?

I arrived for work that morning on the 77th. floor of World Trade Center Tower 2 (WTC2) around 8:00 a.m. It was a bright, beautiful morning, and you could see seemingly forever out the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building. My company had offices on the 77th. and 78th. floors, respectively. My office was on 77, facing WTC1 (the north tower).

I was standing in the hallway outside my office talking to a co-worker when I heard a tremendous explosion at 8:46 a.m. I looked into my office (office wall was floor-to-ceiling glass) and saw a gaping hole in the south side of WTC1. We had no idea what had happened. No part of the plane was visible (it had hit WTC1 from the north—the opposite side from where my office faced).

Eventually, word filtered in from somewhere that it was a plane that hit the building. We didn’t know whether it was a commercial jet or a private plane like a Gulfstream. It also didn’t occur to me at the time that it was a terrorist attack. I just assumed it was a terrible accident.

At some point, I saw people appear at the edge of the gaping hole. Smoke was pouring out, and while I don’t recall seeing much in the way of flames, it was clear that there was a raging fire going on inside the building. I saw a number of people jump to their deaths, desperate to get away from the heat and flames.

It’s hard to express what I felt at that point because I can only describe it as shock. Your mind cannot really comprehend what is happening—almost an overload state. You see it with your eyes, but you are somehow mentally detached from it at the same time.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

I called my wife to let her know what was happening. She was just walking out of Penn Station on her way to work. I quickly apprised her of the situation and told her that within a few minutes there would probably be pandemonium as people learned what had happened. I assured her that I was OK and that my building was not impacted. I told her I’d call her again when I could.

Many of my co-workers began to leave the building immediately after the plane hit. For various reasons, I decided to stay. This was partially because I believed that it was an accident and that I was in no immediate danger. I was head of technology for a financial information firm at the time. Based on what I was seeing, I figured it might be days or weeks before we could return to our offices, so there were many things I needed to attend to so that operations could be moved to an off-site location.

At some point, I left my office and took the escalator in our space up to the 78th. floor. We had a large conference room there with a projector and cable TV, so I wanted to get the news on to see what was happening. I turned on CNN. The information looked pretty sketchy, but I decided to return to 77 to inform my remaining co-workers that I had TV coverage upstairs if they wanted to come up.

I returned to my office and decided to call my mother. A few seconds after hanging up the phone at 9:03 AM, I felt a violent jolt and then a falling sensation. I remember thinking that the building was coming down, and it was the end. The impact caused the building to sway heavily. It was actually designed to sway to a certain degree, as the towers have to withstand high winds on a regular basis, but this was far beyond anything I’d ever felt before.

Eventually, the building stabilized. Much of the ceiling had come down, and I could feel the breeze from blown-out windows on the other side of the floor. This felt oddly disconcerting since none of the windows were designed to open in the WTC.

At that point, I honestly didn’t know what had happened. Strangely enough, my first thought was that WTC1 somehow exploded, and what we were experiencing was the impact of that.

I found myself outside my office with a number of co-workers. There was tons of dust and debris in the air, and the electricity was out. While I was covered in dust and other particles, I was not injured. We (about 10 of us) made our way to the stairwell on the north side of the building.

Upon arriving at the stairwell, we ran into some people who had apparently just come down from the 78th floor. One woman had a severe laceration on her arm. While the wound was quite serious, it did not appear to be life-threatening. There was some brief discussion about going up (I cannot recall why), but the injured woman or someone she was with mentioned that everyone was dead on the 78th floor.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

I later found out that United Airlines flight 175 had slammed into the southwest face of the tower, creating an impact hole that extended from the 78th to 84th floors. Apparently the conference room that I had been standing in just a few minutes before was now obliterated. Had I decided to stay up at 78 instead of returning to my office when I did, I would not be alive today.

Tragically, two co-workers, whom I considered personal friends, took the opposite path that day, making their way from the 77th. floor to their offices on the 78th. floor just before the impact. I never saw them again.

The seemingly insignificant decisions a person made that day determined whether they lived or died. It’s still something that’s a bit hard to fully come to terms with.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, my wife had arrived at work at the midtown financial firm where she worked, right around the time my building was hit. The WTC towers were clearly visible from the trading floor of her firm. While we’d spoken earlier and she knew I was OK, that was before the second plane hit WTC2. She knew I was still in the building at the time, and she knew what floor I worked on, so at that point, she had no idea whether I was still alive.

Once we got into the 77th floor stairwell, I recall jet fuel pouring down the stairs. I mentioned previously that I was definitely in some form of shock at that time and not thinking rationally. Having worked as a baggage handler at JFK airport for a summer (ironically for United Airlines of all companies), I knew what jet fuel smelled like. Still, I could not put one and one together and make the connection that a jetliner had just crashed into the building only a few feet above my head and split open, spilling the contents of its fuel tanks into the building core.

We slowly made our way down the 77 flights of stairs. A woman there who worked for me at the time was about 6 months pregnant, so we went slowly in order to stay with her and help her down.

At some point, I remember passing a number of firefighters heading up the stairs. They had a full set of gear on, and they looked weary and frightened, yet they continued up past us. It’s hard to put into words what I feel for the firefighters who sacrificed everything that day in order to try to help others. Reverence is about as close as I can get.

Eventually, we exited the stairwell and made our way into the mall connecting the WTC complex. I recall thinking that we were still alive and basically out of danger. It was then that I saw police officers or firefighters yelling and waving at us frantically to get out of the building, and we quickened our pace.

We exited the mall in the northeast corner, near the Millennium Hotel. We were standing on the street, and it was chaos. I was with a colleague and my boss at the time. There was debris falling off the building, and my boss suggested we get out of the area.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

We began walking north. We had gotten maybe 5 blocks away when we heard a large rumble and saw a massive dust cloud to the south of us from the direction we came. Word eventually filtered up through the crowd that WTC2, where my office resided, had just fallen. It was a strange and surreal experience. Thoughts flooded through my mind, like, How many people just lost their lives? Do I still have a job? Even a mental inventory of the things that were in my office that no longer existed.

Words with my co-workers, which I cannot recall, were exchanged, and I decided to set off on my own to try to get home and reach my family to let them know I was OK. I eventually walked over the Williamsburg Bridge, caught a bus in Brooklyn heading for Queens, and then flagged down a gypsy cab in Queens to take me to my home in Port Washington, Long Island.

I eventually got through to my family via phone to let them know I was safe. I also spoke with the president of the company, who was down in Florida at the time. He later told me that I was speaking very quickly and not making much sense. I guess the events of the day had taken their toll on me.

I made it home a number of hours later. My mother-in-law was there with my daughters, but my wife was still trying to make her way home. I walked in and hugged my two daughters like I had never hugged them before.

The rest of the night was mostly a blur. I spent most of it on the phone, trying to account for every employee in the company. It was emotionally draining, but necessary work. I think I collapsed for a couple of hours and then was picked up by one of the guys that worked for me to head to Philadelphia, where my company had a smaller office.

I recall driving down the Brooklyn Queens Expressway and passing the downtown area, seeing a massive plume of smoke still rising from the WTC site. I can only describe it as surreal.

At some point during the trip, I received a phone call from a relative of an employee who had not yet been heard from. I tried to remember where and when I had last seen the person. It was one of the most difficult and emotional conversations I’ve ever had in my life.

We arrived in Philadelphia later that morning to ensure that we had accounted for all of our employees to the best of our ability and then to set about the task of trying to resurrect a business that was basically in tatters.

I still had not had a chance to really process what had happened, but I realized that unless we immediately got to work, hundreds of people were going to lose their jobs.

It wasn’t until later that night, when I checked into my hotel, about 36 hours after it had all begun, that I had a chance to turn on the TV and watch a full account of the events. Sitting there in front of the TV, it was like a floodgate had opened, and my mind finally had a chance to deal with the tragedy and all the emotions that went with it.

I lost four friends and co-workers that day who will forever be in my heart. I try to live every day to the fullest, to honor their lives and the lives of others who perished that day.

What happened to the people inside the elevators at WTC during the Sept. 11 attacks?

Many people, assumed to be about 100 or 200, died in elevators on 9/11, according to a Nova documentary. Most of these trapped people were probably in the south tower, trying to evacuate. Many people died waiting on the 78th floor, which was the second sky lobby. Flight 175 hit this floor and many others.

I have also heard that several cars had fallen all the way to the basement with passengers inside, but they survived. Elevators have two safety mechanisms for falls. One is called a governor, which is a system that has a cable running from the elevator car to the machine room on top. The planes destroyed this system, so they fell all the way down the shaft.

They would hit the second system, which is called the buffer. It’s just a gain piston that dampens the impact. There is a 9/11 survivor who was in an elevator in the north tower. He had become trapped when Flight 11 hit the north tower. He was in there for the impact and collapse of the south tower. He has done many interviews, so if you’re interested in hearing it from first-hand experience, check that one out. Many died in the elevators in the World Trade Center, but his carried him to safety.

Some others were able to escape successfully. The World Trade Center had dry wall shafts, so you could bust out of them fairly easily. This also happened during the 93′ bombings. There are recordings of the firefighters using and getting stuck in the elevators just before the collapse of the south tower.

Of the 15,000 civilians who were underneath the impact zones, all but about 100 were able to evacuate successfully.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Some of those 100 were trapped in stalled elevators. One group in an elevator managed to force the doors open, but then found they were faced with a sheetrock wall. A window washer on board offered his squeegee as a tool to carve a hole in the sheetrock, and they escaped.

Others were not so lucky. On 9/11, the elevator systems in the twin towers had been undergoing a major elevator renovation project all year. Among the improvements was the installation of interlock devices on the elevator doors that prevented passengers from forcing the doors from inside.

More than 80 elevator mechanics gathered in the lobby, and though they knew people were trapped by the interlocks, they chose to run away rather than go upstairs and help. Only one elevator mechanic died on 9/11. He was from another elevator company (Otis), and he just happened to be in the area, so he went to do what he could to help.

Elevator mechanics normally have a culture of public service and rescue operations, so the behavior of these workers was quite scandalous. USA Today ran a two-part article. The contractor on the job, Ace Elevator, went out of business.

Who was the man who was with Edna Cintron on 9/11?

We won’t know for a long time, sadly. There were five people in the impact zone of the north tower. A woman and four men. The reason why the woman, Edna, has been identified is because she has a unique look. The long, curly, dirty blonde hair narrowed it down pretty well. The 4 men were all white men with short, dark hair, and considering a lot of the WTC victims were men and NYC has a big Italian population (with most Italians being dark-haired white people), it’s hard to tell who they are.

How did Melissa Doi, on the 83rd floor of the South Tower, die?

She died of smoke inhalation. In the full phone call, which can be found at the memorial museum and posted online, you can hear the dispatch lady say that she is snoring. You can also hear her snoring sounds in the background when the first dispatcher talks and when the dispatcher is noticing that Melissa is no longer responding.

Sadly, the snoring sounds are actually the sounds someone makes when they are dying, especially from smoke inhalation.

What happened to the gold in the basement of the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks, if there was any?

It was actually recovered for the most part. Nova did a story on cleaning out the ground zero site and focused on it. They were in very strong safes, like Fort Knox. The safes were mostly intact. The heat did melt a lot of the bars, which was technically not a problem since they just melted them down and then recast them. Of course, the issue of fraud came up when company A officially had 8 bars in them and, of course, tried to claim 10.

There was a large supply of diamonds that were untouched, and a large supply of currency was undamaged until they opened the vault, and something like the inrush of oxygen caused them to burst into flames.

How could someone on the top floors of the Twin Towers on 9/11 survive?

Originally answered: How could I survive on top of the twin towers (9/11)?

In the case of the second plane crash, the one at WTC2, four people from above the impact zone did survive. They cleared away some rubble and made their way down the stairs. They saw only a few flames. On the 31st floor, they stopped to make phone calls.

I have given this question a lot of thought. I used to work on the upper floors of tall buildings. If they had canvas emergency fire hoses, these could have been used to lower people outside the building down past the fire floors to break a window and get back inside. These hoses could also be used to lower people down elevator shafts and utility raceways (plumbing, HVAC, electrical) that you can see in the blueprints.

Carpeting could be cut up with utility knives to serve the same purpose as making ladders or ropes.

It would have been possible to chop holes in the concrete floors using fire axes or broken-up table legs from office furniture so that people could bypass the stairways and get down from one floor to another. I have broken up a lot of concrete in my life, and I know this is practical. (If evacuation hatches were built into the floors, then people would only need to cut the carpet away and open the hatch.)

I don’t think parachutes would be a realistic option. The winds around tall buildings are quite chaotic (I’ve seen snowflakes blown straight up) and when you add the airflow from the heat of fires it gets even more chaotic.

How did it feel to be in the Twin Towers on 9/11?

My husband was in the North Tower, and he said most people calmly made their way down 85 flights of stairs. There was no pushing or crowding; most people were respectful. They didn’t know about the horrors above them; they weren’t sure what had really happened; they didn’t know that #2 had been hit; they didn’t know for sure what had hit their tower; and they were in shock.

There were many stories of people helping other people, carrying things for them, and helping the injured and elderly. My husband and his friend helped an older woman out and probably saved her life. They were anxious and motivated to get out, but not frantic or panicked. What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Do you think some people faked their own deaths on 9/11? It would be easy, since lots of bodies were never found.

No, people did not fake their deaths during 9/11.

My uncle was a firefighter in New York City who responded to the towers; he says it was a horrific experience. People ran away after the first tower collapsed, dust covered and blinded. The scene of death and destruction was like none other.

So many bodies were left unrecovered because they were obliterated, burned, and destroyed by the fall of the towers.

No human body can be made out of such trauma. There was no way the firefighters and police would be able to identify every lost one.

And no, there is no easy way to just fake your death. It has happened before, but there is no last-minute decision-making involved. It is a well-planned and very special circumstance.

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Did anybody on the top floors of the World Trade Center (above where the plane crashed) survive 9/11?

Only in the South Tower. The North Tower got struck at 8:46; the South Tower was struck 16 minutes later at 9:02. Because of this gap, approximately 83% of people at or above impact (the impact zone was the 78th–85th floors) in the South Tower survived. The overwhelming majority of these people evacuated in that 8:46–9:02 period; about 2,900 people evacuated these floors during those 16 minutes, leaving about 600 left. Some companies on these floors, such as CSC Corporation on the 87th floor, were able to evacuate all of their employees.

Of those still on these levels at 9:02, 18 survived; however, they were all located within the impact zone floors (on 78, 81, and 84). Although one stairwell remained passable throughout the entire tower from top to bottom, no one who was above the 84th floor when the South Tower was hit survived. Therefore, by the strictest definition (above, not within, the impact zone, so the 86th floor or up when the South Tower was hit), no one survived.

The reason that one stairwell remained passable, and thus some people within the impact zone survived, is that the South Tower was hit on an angle, with the impact concentrated on the eastern half of the building, and thus the westernmost stairwell was located in a relatively intact area and was narrowly spared.

One survivor who was on the 84th floor when the South Tower was hit did go up to 91 before going back down and evacuating around 9:56, just 2–3 minutes before the South Tower fell. This man is the only person who was above the impact zone at any time after the South Tower was hit and survived, although he originated from within the impact zone.

If you were in the North Tower from the 92nd floor up, you had a 0% chance of survival. The plane struck the tower directly in the center from floors 93–99 and destroyed any path of escape on the 92nd floor. The highest floor of survival in the North Tower was the 91st floor.

One window was broken by the plane’s impact on the 91st floor, so by the broadest possible definition, there were 18 survivors (the 91st floor survivors) from the North Tower impact zone. However, in spite of this broken window, major fires related to impact only occurred from 92 up, and structural damage to the tower from impact started on 93. Therefore, the 91st floor is virtually never considered to be in the impact zone. What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Did you know someone who was in the WTC on 9/11?

Yes. He worked for AON in Chicago and was in NYC as part of a training seminar that would have run through the week of September 10th through the 14th. It may seem ghoulish, but many of us look at any new YouTube videos or videos that show up, hoping to see him.

AA11 flew directly into the floor below AON, and survivors on that day said they saw part of AON’s mail room collapse onto their floor. Our assumption is that he died instantly. No one from AON is known to have made contact with anyone.

But we still look. A group of friends who knew our dead buddy for thirty years. Not that often anymore. But we can’t stop ourselves from looking. What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Why didn’t helicopters evacuate people from the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Because it was impossible. An account from Officer Timothy Hayes of the NYPD Aviation Unit, who was in the helicopter that took these pictures:

“The smoke had covered 90 percent of the entire roof, so I couldn’t even see the roof to make an evaluation of where we could go,” he said. “We were looking at probably 15 to 20 stories burning simultaneously. Probably well over 1,000 degrees, you know, if not more.”

“One of the first calls I got was the people on the ground calling us to immediately check the roof,” said Hayes.

At first he thought he saw a clear corner, “but it was still covered in smoke and there was numerous obstructions,” he said. “I said, ‘Captain, this is impossible. This is undoable. I can’t see the roof.'”

Still, Hayes and his crew circled the towers, — 1,700 feet in the air amid thick, black smoke — hoping to make a daring rescue.

They did not know they were in grave danger, until they saw an airplane in all-too-close proximity.

“I turned to Pat, my pilot, I said ‘Jesus Christ, there’s a second plane crashing,'” said Hayes. “And then I realized how close it was coming to us. I thought it was going to impact our aircraft. So we climbed. He went underneath us.”

Even if an attempt to touch down on the rooftop was attempted, the doors leading to the roof were locked by keycard and could not be opened without access from the Security Command Center on the 22nd floor of the World Trade Center (which was abandoned).

It simply wasn’t an option.

How did Melissa Doi, on the 83rd floor of the South Tower, die?

It is unknown how some of these people exactly died in both towers. Some perhaps died of smoke inhalation; some jumped or fell; some were killed on impact with the airplanes because they were in their vicinity or were directly at the point of impact; some were blown out; and some succumbed to the flames and heat inside.

“Melissa Cándida “Missy” Doi (September 1, 1969—Septembe 11, 2001) was an American businesswoman in the financial industry who was a victim of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.” -Wikipedia What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Did anyone see the planes involved with 9/11 from inside the World Trade Center?

Yes, at least one did. Stanley Priamnath, who worked at Fuji Bank on the 81st floor of the South Tower,. In the recent National Geographic special “One Day in America,” aired on the 20th anniversary, Priamnath recounted that he saw the plane as a speck that got larger and larger, coming straight at him until, at the last second, it tilted slightly, and that saved his life.

He said he yelled, “God, I can’t do this; you take over!” and dove under a desk as his office collapsed around him. He was later found and rescued by Brian Clark, who became his “brother” for life. They made it safely out just before the building fell. What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?


Edna Cintron worked for Marsh and McLennan, which had it’s offices in the impact zone. She was at work that day when the tower was hit by AA Flight 11. Miraculously, she survived the impact of the plane. She was one of the only, if not the only, survivors within the impact of Tower 1 to survive the initial crash. She was seen throughout the ordeal waving and trying to call for help.

Shortly before Tower 2 (south) collapsed, Edna was seen to have fallen from Tower 1 and died. According to her husband, who was interviewed later, her body was never found.

Edna Cintron was a tragic victim of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. As a 46-year-old administrative assistant for the Marsh & McLennan insurance company, she was working on the 94th floor of the North Tower when American Airlines Flight 11 struck the building between the 93rd and 99th floors.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

The North Tower was the first of the two towers to be hit at 8:46 AM, and the impact resulted in an immediate explosion, fires, and chaos in the building. The flames and smoke made it difficult for those trapped above the impact zone to escape. Stairwells and elevators were blocked or destroyed, leaving many helpless and trapped inside the tower.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Edna Cintron became widely known after her image was captured in a haunting photograph and video footage taken that day. In these visuals, she can be seen standing at the edge of the gaping hole created by the plane’s impact, waving a piece of cloth, likely in an attempt to signal for help. This image of her standing amid the devastation and chaos has become one of the enduring symbols of the tragedy that unfolded on 9/11.

It is believed that Edna, along with many others trapped in the tower, was desperately trying to find a way out or draw the attention of first responders in the hope of being rescued. The heat and smoke from the burning floors below would have made it nearly impossible for her to breathe or stay inside. Unfortunately, no rescue efforts could reach those trapped above the impact zone due to the extreme conditions and structural damage.

At 10:28 AM, the North Tower collapsed, and Edna Cintron, along with nearly 1,400 others inside the building, tragically lost their lives. The 9/11 attacks claimed the lives of 2,977 victims and left thousands more injured. It remains the deadliest terrorist act in world history and has had a lasting impact on the United States and global security.

Edna Cintron’s story is a heartbreaking reminder of the human cost of the 9/11 attacks. It illustrates the courage and desperation faced by the victims trapped in the World Trade Center that day. The memory of Edna and all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, continues to be honored through various memorials, tributes, and annual ceremonies, ensuring that the world never forgets the lives lost and the immense tragedy that unfolded on that fateful day.

Sources: Google images and various news outlets.

What happened to Edna Cintron at the World Trade Center on 9/11?