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Can Christians play Skyrim?

Can Christians play Skyrim

Can Christians play Skyrim?

Yes. Yes, they can. My professional opinion is that God cares more about how you treat other people. If playing Skyrim makes you a jerk to people, then lay off of it. However, if Skyrim doesn’t affect how you live your life, I see no benefit from making an arbitrary rule against it.

Christians usually believe that God gave men the freedom of will, so even if Christianity somehow sees Skyrim as sinful, any Christian would still be free to play the game however he likes. Depending on his mods, he may have to go to confession sometimes.

In Galatians, Paul mentions that to sneak through the night with a bow is an abomination before the Lord. And as Sneak Archer is incredibly OP with game mechanics in Skyrim, you’re probably screwed. Although I am also fairly sure that somewhere in the Old Testament (Judges, maybe?), there’s something along the lines of, “The Lord saith, ‘He that slayeth dragons with the voice of man shall be blessed in My Sight,” so I don’t know. The Bible can be contradictory like that. I’m sure Revelations outs Jesus as an Argonian main Weirdo.

All of the above is in jest. Look, Christians still can’t seem to figure out if Harry Potter is sacrilege or not. Asking Quora whether or not a Christian can play Skyrim is crazy. Play the game, enjoy it, and if you end up in hell, ask Satan why he had to make EA so greedy.

It constitutes sin. Playing any video game probably means you’re going to hell. Sarcasm aside, anyone of any belief system can play any video game; whether you can identify that doing something in a virtual world doesn’t matter and isn’t who you are in real life is a different issue.

You shouldn’t play any if you can’t separate reality from the game. But if you understand that you’re only manipulating pixels on a screen for entertainment, then by all means. Murder, theft, and immoral concepts in a game are okay as long as you understand that it’s a game and you’re still bound by your pre-existing moral code outside of the game.

In Skyrim, I’m a mass-murdering thief; in real life, I’m not.

Should one play Skyrim?

Friends, this thought comes in the mind of most of the Christian people. Can Christians play Skyrim? You have come to the right place if you also ask to know this. Today, we will tell you that Christians can play Skyrim.

Originally Answered: Should one play Skyrim or not?

Ha. Ha. Lol. Good one. Here’s some tips:

  1. Purchase the game on a PC or a laptop.
  2. Download and install it.
  3. Download the free High Res Texture Pack
  4. Play the game
  5. List your top ten things you wished the game had.
  6. Download mods to fix them
  7. Enjoy playing one of the best RPGs in a long time.

Can Christians play Skyrim?

Of course. Christians can play Skyrim. Anyone can play the game.

Can Christians play Skyrim?

For me, I didn’t limit your question there. Because we are talking about faith/belief. You asked the question because you did not find/suit it with Christian belief. If so, I think the right question should be:

Is Skyrim compatible with Christians’s beliefs?

If that is the question, then No.

But if the game does not cause you to stumble, then the choice is yours. Because there is this one method that you cannot avoid, and that is to kill. And there are some instances that you will choose to lie (to protect someone’s life).

Most missions with the exciting story do not come from “good” people/guys. And also those good-looking armor sets. Still, you can join them (if you are curious about the story and plan to join because you finish all quests except for these bad guys).

In my case, there are some gods or Daedric princes (whatever they call them) that I did not choose to serve because they are purely evil to me. And I joined some because it relates to another quest (continuation).

Like the lady of decay, to win her favor and become her champion. You need to eat human flesh that you just killed recently. Some NPC mixed human flesh with their meat. I want to execute justice for these cannibals.

It could be better. Therefore, all of her followers didn’t leave that cave alive.

So, Christians can play Skyrim. Don’t play if it causes you to stumble. If you ever want to play the game, you will encounter significant heavy decisions, like if you continue this quest, etc.

And if possible, overcome evil with good.

What are some tips and hints for someone starting to play Elder Scrolls: Skyrim?

Don’t kill the chicken in Riverwood

Don’t fight any giants right off the bat

When you find Meridia’s Beacon, the final boss will be a bitch if you’re under-leveled (I’d say do it around level 25)

Lydia gets in the way quite a bit

Alduin is a pushover


Guards don’t like it when you shout at them

Don’t steal that cheese in front of anyone

Go talk to Aventus Aretino in Windhelm, do what he wants, then sleep in a bed you own after your great deed.

I’d recommend siding with the Vamps (you’ll understand when you get there)

Miraak is a complete douche-nozzle (you’ll again understand when you get there)

Be prepared to meet the Daedric Prince of Tentacle Porn in the Dragonborn DLC

Craft fucktons of Jewelry, then at 80 smithing, craft ebony bows

Can Christians play Skyrim?

Friends, I still consider myself marginally a Christian (I believe in Jesus, but not in church, ex-evangelical turned SJW-type), and I’m playing Skyrim right now. I just created a Khajiit character who will become a fine thief. I love stealing cheese and sweet rolls. None of your sweet rolls are safe! My last character was a high elf trying to stock one of her house basements with cheese. I’ll go back to her eventually. She also assassinated a very nice noble on the day of her wedding.

Listen, it’s fiction. If you realize it’s fiction, you can play anything you want; it’s fun. I’m not a cat or even a furry in real life. My biggest concern, religiously, with my current character, upon reading lore online, is whether or not it’s okay for her to pray at the Nordic shrines to the gods (for those convenient disease cures and stat-boosts) when the Khajiit considers their similar gods to be separate, truer entities. She can always look up at the moons in this cold, forbidding land.

It applies to other games, too. When I play Link in the Legend of Zelda, he’s either praying to Hylia or the Three Golden Goddesses, depending upon the game (Hylians have seemed to switch between three gods and monotheism in various games). He’s also a reckless idiot in Breath of the Wild, riding bears and whatnot.

When I play Fallout, I’m in post-apocalyptic America, killing many people to survive. I try to play “good” there, but I think even good characters are antiheroes at best. Hell, as a marginal Christian, if I wanted to make a villain build and join Caeser’s Legion or the Nuka-World Raiders, I wouldn’t bat an eyelash because it’s fiction. I’m a female, and I’ll play both female and male.

So, enjoy your game. Stabby-stabby, steal everything that isn’t nailed down, or try to go paragon/paladin, but don’t worry about it. It’s just a story and all in good fun.

Is Skyrim built around anti-Christian propaganda?

No. But generally, in a game that features theft, murder, and what Christians would probably call fictionalized Norse Paganism, there will inevitably be some people who call it anti-Christian.

Generally, when you’re a person who can’t think about anything outside the lens of your religion, you tend to interpret anything anybody else does through that lens as well. The simple fact is that the developers didn’t care one way or another about Christianity by and large and weren’t including any ‘message,’ positive or otherwise, about it, which won’t work for people who think that everybody spends all their waking hours thinking about their God and their religion. It just isn’t something people do, for the most part.

You should not go down the rabbit hole of looking for things to be upset about in fictional entertainment. The general rule is that you will find what you’re looking for, justified or not.

Why should I play Skyrim?

From those you mentioned, I’d say Far Cry 3 is the game closest to Skyrim. It is set in a fantasy early medieval-esque Nordic culture setting, with some tropes you’ll commonly find in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, and similar.

Its progression system is more palpable than GTA’s; as you can see, you’re becoming better because you get better armor, weapons, new spells, learn to craft new things, etc. 

The story is non-linear, there IS a main quest line, and you’ll feel it is pretty lovely, but you don’t have to feel rushed to do it, or you could even neglect it altogether.

Unlike AC, your foes’ power level is not linear either; it’ll vary according to your current level, and so will the rewards for killing them or for completing quests, meaning that even the unique items will be generated according to your power level (arguably since you could just level up through non-combat abilities).

Unlike the ones you mention, Skyrim’s world was made for you to live the story, not just to know where to find people to pickpocket. NPCs will have a schedule: sleep, go shopping, talk to other NPCs, etc. Some random events will pop up even if you’re walking around. 

People have different beliefs, social classes, goals, and means to reach those goals. And there is a real sense of danger when you go around; you could find a giant spider, wolves, a saber cat, a troll, a bear, a death hound, people that do not like you, a demon, a dragon. They’ll often try to kill you for no reason, and depending on the difficulty you’re playing, you better run.

Also, a detail I particularly like about Skyrim is that the game does not discriminate against YOUR intentions. You can be the best hero ever, saving everybody every time, or you could be the greatest ####### and kill whoever you want.

Is it okay for a Christian to like the Harry Potter series?

Do you think it is okay for a Christian to like a series:

  • About murder, such as murder mysteries?
  • Where is the protagonist cheating on their partner?
  • Where do the characters actively practice another religion, even if the story isn’t about how to practice another religion?
  • Stories where ancient religions are accurate, such as Percy Jackson and Hercules (Greek/Roman gods) or Avengers (elements from Norse mythology, such as Thor and Asgård)?
  • Where the characters do anything else that’s forbidden in Christianity.

If you answer YES, I see no reason you can’t enjoy the Harry Potter series either. It’s just a fun fictional story, not a how to become a witch manual. You won’t become a witch just because you read stories about witches, just like you won’t become a murderer if you read a murder mystery.

If you answer NO, you should probably not read Harry Potter either. It is your choice not to read anything that makes you uncomfortable. It is supposed to be fun, and if you don’t think so, don’t read it.

No matter what you choose, you should know that Harry Potter’s magic has nothing to do with the devil. Magic is a gift the characters are born with, not some occult they seek out later in life. Hogwarts is where the characters learn to control their natural powers, not where they go to worship Satan. He isn’t even mentioned in the series.

If you’re a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, for that matter, you could easily imagine that magic is a gift from God if you want to.

Christian women wrote Harry Potter, and the Bible inspires some elements in the story. It is the story of a boy chosen to defeat evil with the power of love, which the Bad Guys almost killed as a baby. When he was older, he – spoiler alert – sacrificed himself for his people but then returned to life to defeat Voldemort, the personification of evil, for good.

Hmmm, where have we seen that story before?

As a Christian author, is using fictional religion and magic in writing stories OK?

J. R. R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) was close friends with C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia). Both were devout Christians and used fictional religion/magic in their books.

You’d be in good company!

Think about it. It takes a lot of imagination and creativity to create entire worlds made up of detailed characters, each with their thoughts, internal conflicts, and personal development.

As a Christian, what do you believe about God?

He created a world of detailed characters, each with their thoughts, internal conflicts, and personal development, right?

Don’t be afraid or let anyone make you afraid to dream, imagine, and create. It’s the image of God you’re made in.

Have fun with it!

Which race in Skyrim is the best suited for playing a pure mage?

Go Breton.

Many people will tell you High Elf, and they’re good, but the Breton gets better passive and active racial traits. High elves get more starting Magicka and the ability to recharge quickly. In the late game, Magicka won’t be a huge issue. You could use Enchanting to get two free schools of magic anyway.

On the other hand, Bretons get magic resist – resisting damage is ALWAYS great for squishy mages – and Dragonskin, which can, in certain circumstances, make you IMMUNE TO MAGIC for 60 seconds while simultaneously recharging your reserves.

You could make a case for High Elves being less situational, but I think they’re also less attractive. Bretons make great mages with exciting playstyles.

As a Catholic, is it sinful to play a video game that has sin in it?

It depends on you. In general, it is not a sin to play games that contain sins: for example, you can’t say that kids who play cops and robbers are sinning, even if those who steal in real life do.

However, it would help if you didn’t commit sinning when you play video games or anything else. For example, all video games in which the protagonist has to have sex or things like this make you sin because these things make you aroused.

However, this is my suggestion. Saint Paul said: < “Omnia mihi licent!”. Sed non omnia expediunt. >, which means you can do many things without sinning, but this doesn’t mean all these things make you suitable.

From now on, you should use your time not only to do what is not bad (like playing video games) but also to do what is GOOD (such as praying and helping people in need more often.

I hope it is clear!

Conclusion – Can Christians play Skyrim?

The bottom line is you could be the biggest evil jack-hole in Skyrim and still be the chosen one and save the day, just like being the “good guy” and avoiding the “evil quests” like the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild, or the Daedric quests. Or just be a freelancing serial killer. It all depends on how you role-play your character.

The OP could also ask if being a Christian is okay because many fundamentalist Christians avoid magic-based games and books like Harry Potter. But that’s unanswerable; it’s opinion-based. If anyone dislikes violence, drug and alcohol consumption, stealing, and beliefs against the idea of more than one God and magic, just don’t play the game.

Yes. Regardless of your faith, a fantasy computer game is a fantasy computer game. If you have faith and you believe in your faith, then nothing should ever sway you from that. If you’re worried about morality – remember that all computer games are a constant series of always-changing tiny little lights that make up a screen, and all the sounds you hear are made-up synthetic sounds made and recorded and played back to you using an electronic speaker.

Suppose you think that any recording, video/computer game, or movie is even a question of faith. In that case, your faith is wavering, and you need to examine your beliefs and possibly your grip on your reality.

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Can Christians play Skyrim?