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What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?

What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?

What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?

Zuko’s Mother Ursa left because she was banished for trying to save Zuko from death. She then went to the mother of faces for her to get a new face and for her memories of Firelord Ozai and the children to be erased. It is later revealed that the kids met their mother in the village. She changed her name.

After the events of “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” Zuko’s mother, Ursa, and his sister, Azula, have ambiguous fates.

In the comics that follow the series, particularly in “The Search,” it’s revealed that Ursa had a complicated past. She left the Fire Nation under difficult circumstances, and Zuko eventually finds her living under a new identity. Their reunion is emotional, and it explores themes of forgiveness and family.

As for Azula, her story takes a darker turn. After the series, she struggles with her mental health and descends into paranoia and instability. Her fate is explored further in the comics, particularly in “The Search” and “The Promise,” showing her challenges and isolation following her defeat in the series.

So, while Ursa finds some resolution, Azula’s journey is much more tragic and unresolved.

What actually happened to Zuko’s mother in Avatar: The Last Airbender?

It’s best you read the comics for this one to fill in the gaps – they’re well worth it. If comics aren’t for you, then read on……

Ursa lived in a small fire nation village and was a skilled herbalist (her mother was a master herbalist). She was madly in love with Ikem and they both took part in the local theatre (that’s where the blue spirit mask comes from). Ikem proposes to her on the stage when they’re rehearsing a scene.

Ursa is overjoyed and runs to tell her family only to find her mum crying over Roku’s headpiece and is told her dad is in the greenhouse with visitors and she should go to them.

As Ursa was the granddaughter to Roku, Fire Lord Azulon forces her to marry Ozai in order to fulfill a prophecy from the Fire Sages which will give great power to his family in the future.

As they’re leaving town, Ikem tries to stop them by blocking their way. Ursa tells Ikem that this is what she wants and it will bring honour to her family. She’s trying to keep him safe even though it hurts.

At the wedding Ozai tells her that she can no longer have contact with her family or old life.

She pretends to go along with this for years but instead continues to write home, passing the letters to a servant who agrees to send them on for her. Later we find out that none of these letters made it home and the letters were just hidden away on the orders of Ozai.

When she became suspicious, Ursa wrote a letter to Ikem saying that Zuko was his son. Ozai confronts her and says her actions were treasonous and that he’s taken steps to kill Ikem. When she asks him why he’s done this when he knows that Zuko is his son, he asks her why she wrote the letter. She says that it was because of her suspicions that the letters weren’t going anywhere and that secretly she wished that was the case. Ozai says that from this point he will act as if her wish was granted….

Later when Ozai asks for Iroh’s birthright to be given to him instead (after Iroh loses his son), Azulon is furious and tasks Ozai to kill his firstborn to feel the same pain (a bit short sighted on his part considering he’s all about power and lineage…).

What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?

Ursa overhears Azula teasing Zuko about it and confronts Ozai. He confirms he’s going ahead with it. Ursa makes a deal – the throne for Zuko’s life. She crafts an untraceable, odourless poison. However she must immediately leave the palace after creating it (because Ozai is smart if nothing else) and she’s not allowed to take her children with her (or Ozai will hunt them down).

Ursa returns to her home town to hear that her parents have died. She goes to the theatre in despair and meets Norem. He takes her to breakfast but calls her by name before she introduces herself. He then reveals himself to be Ikem and has asked the Mother of Faces to change his appearance (which I guess is why the Fire Lord couldn’t find him).

He offers to take her to the Mother of Faces to ask for the same treatment so they can be together again. Ursa agrees but the Mother of Faces is confused by the request as Ursa is so beautiful. To test how badly she wants it, she offers a very plain face which Ursa gladly accepts. The Mother of Faces, seeing how much pain Ursa is in, asks her if she wants a new mind to go with it and to forget everything that has gone before (including her children).

It’s a hard choice but Ursa agrees and becomes Noriko. She goes on to marry Norem and they have a child together (Kiyi).

Years later, team avatar find them trying to find Ikem as they have found a letter in the palace. Norem explains that Ikem and later Ursa have visited the Mother of Faces. When Norem explains the story they visit the Mother of Faces again and she offers to give Noriko / Ursa her memories back.

Noriko / Ursa agrees and then apologises to her son. Azula turns up and accuses Ursa of replacing her with Kiyi. Azula and Zuko fight and Azula runs away. Fire Lord Zuko later offers to take his family back to the palace so they can all be together and Ikem and Ursa agree.

What happened to Zuko’s mother?

Ursa was born to Jinzuk and Rina in the small Fire Nation town of Hira’a. From an early age, she was close friends with a boy named Ikem. Though she would tease him when they were younger, they became a happy couple as they grew up. At twenty-one, Ursa auditioned for the role of Dragon Empress in the local production of Love Amongst Dragons.

She went to tell Ikem that she had received the role and found him rehearsing his lines on an empty stage during the day. Upon Ikem’s request, they rehearsed a scene of the play in which they would have to kiss on stage, but Ursa expressed her dissatisfaction with “masked kissing”, as the props stood in the way. Once she had taken off her mask, Ikem startled her with an unnerving stare; Ursa questioned him about it and he promptly proposed. Ursa, after some slight confusion, happily accepted, and they sealed their engagement with a passionate kiss.

What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?

Later at night, she gleefully made her way home to tell her mother of Ikem’s proposal, but she found her mother crying over Avatar Roku’s headpeice. When she inquired as to what was going on and where her father was, her mother told her that he was in the greenhouse with a visitor. However, before Ursa left the room, her mother emphasized that she loved her no matter what happened.

Ursa tearfully bid Ikem farewell to ensure his safety.

Upon entering the greenhouse, Ursa discovered that the guests about whom her mother had been talking were Fire Lord Azulon and his son, Prince Ozai. The Fire Lord complimented her beauty before mentioning a prophecy made by the Fire Sages that ensured a powerful lineage of rulers to come forth from a marital union between a descendant of Avatar Roku and his own bloodline.

Ozai subsequently proposed to Ursa, and she, without a choice in the matter, agreed. As Ursa was leaving town with her betrothed, Ikem blocked the carriage’s path. She pleaded with Ozai to order his soldiers to stop, calling the prince “[her] love”. He complied, and she stepped out from the carriage and told Ikem to go home.

Despite his begging, Ursa told him that her decision could not be undone, as Ozai’s proposal had brought honor to her family. She made clear to Ikem that marrying Ozai was what she truly wanted and, with tears in her eyes, told him once more to go home, knowing that it was the only way to ensure his safety. She subsequently left a devastated Ikem by the side of the road.

During his wedding celebration, Ozai informed Ursa that she should tell her parents that they had always been good to her, revealing that she could no longer have ties with her former life after the event. Thus, she was forced to bid her parents farewell and started her new life as a Princess of the Fire Nation.

Following her marriage, Ursa gave birth to Prince Zuko, and two years later, to Princess Azula. However, even after the birth of her two children, she was unwilling to forget the loved ones she had left behind and wrote to them frequently. She employed a palace servant, Elua, to send secret letters to her loved ones in Hira’a, causing Ursa to view her as part of her family, and was eternally grateful for Elua’s services.

However, unbeknownst to Ursa, none of her letters made it to their destination as Elua had betrayed her trust and filed the notes away on the orders of Prince Ozai.

What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?

Ursa eventually became suspicious of the fact that Ozai had intercepted and read her letters, and came up with a plan to trick him into admitting it: she wrote a fake letter to Ikem in which she stated him to be Zuko’s real father.

Months later, Ozai confronted her with his knowledge of the letter, stating that her actions were treasonous to the crown of the Fire Nation. Ursa was initially furious to learn that her suspicions of Ozai were correct but quickly burst into tears when Ozai revealed that he had taken measures to kill Ikem.

Ursa demanded to know why Ozai had done so since they both knew Zuko was really Ozai’s son, and Ozai responded by asking her why she had written the false letter in the first place. Ursa told him her original plan, and that part of her motivation was that she wished Zuko was not Ozai’s son. As an act of vengeance, Ozai stated that, from that point onward, he would treat Zuko as if Ursa’s desire had been reality.

Ursa found out that Ozai was going to kill Zuko as his(Ozai’s) punishment for asking Fire Lord Sozin for Iroh’s birthright. She and Ozai made a deal, if she found a way to get him what he wanted, which was the throne, Zuko would remain safe and not be harmed.

Ursa’s mother was an awesome herbologist, and she grew up learning to become a master herbologist just like her mother. She promised to make Ozai a poison that had no smell or colour in exchange of Zuko’s life. Ozai agreed but under the condition that Ursa could never again show her face in the Fire Nation for he feared that one day she’d also try and poison him. Ursa agreed, but she wanted to take their children with her. Ozai refused, and told her that no harm would be done to them as long as she kept her side of the deal. What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?

What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?

Ursa made the poison for Ozai and left that night. She kissed Azula goodbye since Azula was sleeping and then went to Zuko’s room to say goodbye.

Avatar: The: Last Airbender: What happened to Zuko’s sister and uncle?

As one of our fellow Avatar fans has correctly mentioned, Azula was put in a mental health institution from where she left to search for her mother along with Zuko and Team Avatar. Her life later on is unknown. It seemed in the comic as if she was changing slowly and it might be implying that she somehow redeemed her past actions and lived a normal life later on.

General Iroh I- Fire Lord Zuko and Princess Azula’s uncle, the Grand Lotus of The Order of The White Lotus, Master Firebender, pupil to Masters Ran and Shaw, The Dragon of the West, the best tea brewer in the world, one of the few non-Avatars to be able to interact with spirits in the mortal world, one of the few to become a resident of spirit world after death. Iroh has so much to tell about.

Iroh, replaced Zuko as Fire Lord for a short period of time on Zuko’s request. He acquired the tea shop he ran in Ba Sing Se and lived there for many years. When he believed his time was over, he left the mortal world and ended up living with the spirits in the Spirit World. He appeared a few times in The Legend of Korra and helped the young Avatar. His calm demeanor, ever-friendly behavior, impeccable character, humour and sharp wisdom made him an ideal inhabitant of the Spirit World.

It is rumoured, his character was so loved by the fans that he had to be brought back to the show so that Legend of Korra, which was not as loved by the fans as the first series, would be watched and liked by the fans more. I do not know the genuineness of this rumour but it certainly sounds believable as I myself liked the show better when they introduced Wan and brought back Iroh and Toph.


For What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar? You should read the comics.

The anime ends with Zuko being the Fire Lord. One would have no idea that Ursa was alive except for that scene where Zuko asks Ozai, ” Where is my mother ? “

The comic series ‘The Last Airbender’ continues far beyond it before entering into ‘The legend of Korra’.

In the segement ‘The Search’ the team Avatar ( Zuko is also a part of it, if you remember ) sets on a journey to find Ikem, Ursa’s girlhood love.

They found Ikem and came to know he has changed his face by asking the ‘ Mother of Faces’. I don’t remember his new name but the village was called Hira.

Now enters Ikem’s wife, Noriko and daughter Kiyi.

Here is the twist.

Noriko is none other than Ursa. She has not only changed her face but also accepted Mother face’s proposal of taking her memory.

For the sweet ending, Ursa takes back her memory and returns to the palace accompanied by Ikem and Kiyi ( Zuko dismisses her banishment ). And yes, Zuko again defeats Azula.

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What happened to Zuko’s mother and sister after the end of the Avatar?