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What is the most common name in the world?

What is the most common name in the world?

What is the most common name in the world?

From all indications, it is Mohammad as a first name. The most common last name is Wang. I have never met anyone named Mohammad Wang yet, but I keep looking.

Is there a way to reduce the crowded playing field? Go back to your roots and draw on your heritage for inspiration. To that end, Letter Solver researched the most popular baby names in each country (in that nation’s native language) and identified trends in boys’ and girls’ names over the past 12 months.

The data revealed some exciting general themes around the world, with Maria, or some form of that name, emerging as the top choice for new parents in 17 countries. Meanwhile, Mohammed reigns as the most popular boy’s name in ten countries.

Of course, for many people, their heritage has a strong link to religion, and this explains many of the baby name trends that Letter Solver uncovered in its research. Such is the case with Maria and Mohammad, with popular variations of the traditional nickname for girls, including Marie and Mia, all derived from the Hebrew name Miryam.

Meanwhile, the popularity of the name Muhammad is followed by that of Noah, which ranked first in seven countries. All of these nicknames have ties to religious figures and clearly have special meanings for parents around the world. The survey also notes that Noah invented wine, a case that influenced the decision to choose a name.

Here in the United States, it will surprise a few that Liam and Olivia are the most common choices among new parents. Raise your hand if you don’t know Liam, Olivia, or both.

What is the most common name in the world?

Mohammed, followed by Ahmed and Ali. It is due to an oddity of the Muslim culture: it is extremely common to name your sons Mohammed, Ahmed, and Ali in that order. It’s only at the age of four that the families will start to think about some other name. (For women, it’s Mary, Maria, or Maryam; those are popular among both Christians and Muslims.)

Other cultures will have more variation when they name their children. Some even see it as an ideal that everyone has a unique name. Had you asked this 2,000 years ago, the answer would likely have been Primus, followed by Secundus and Tertius. The Romans suffered from a total lack of creativity in this respect; they named their children “First,” “Second,” and so on…

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What is the most common name in the world?

Determining the single most common first name on Earth can be challenging due to the vast diversity of names across different cultures and languages. Additionally, population sizes and naming trends change over time. However, some of the most common first names globally, taking into account various languages and regions, include:

  • 1. Muhammad (and its various spellings): Muhammad is one of the most common first names in the world, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. Variations like Mohammed, Mohammad, and Muhammed are also widespread.
  • 2. Li: Li is a very common first name in China, given the large population of the country.
  • 3. Maria: Maria is a common first name in many countries with Christian traditions, including numerous Latin American and European countries.
  • 4. John: John is a widely used first name in English-speaking countries and has variants in other languages, such as Juan (Spanish), Jean (French), and Giovanni (Italian).
  • 5. Ahmed/Ahmad: This name is common in Arabic-speaking countries and among Muslim communities worldwide.
  • 6. Anna: Anna is a common first name in many European countries, including Russia and Italy.

Naming trends can vary significantly by region and culture, and names like these might not be equally shared across all countries. Additionally, the popularity of names can change over time, so the ranking of common names may shift.

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Is Muhammad the most common name in the world?

It is difficult to determine the most common first name on world, as it can vary depending on the region and culture. However, some of the most common first names around the world include:

  1. Muhammad is the most common male name in the world and has been the most popular name for several decades.
  2. Ali is another very common name in many Arabic and Islamic countries.
  3. Fatima is a very common female name in many Arabic and Islamic countries.
  4. Ahmed is a common name in many Arabic and Islamic countries
  5. Zhang is a very common name in China, where it’s been one of the top names for the last century
  6. Wang is also a very common name in China, and it’s been one of the leading names for a long time as well.
  7. Maria is a very common name in many Spanish-speaking countries and Eastern Europe.
  8. Mohamed is also a common name in many African countries.

It’s worth noting that the popularity of names can vary over time and by region, and the list of the most common names is likely to change over time.

This name has a truly iconic status, staking its place as the most popular name in the world. An estimated yet ever-growing 150 million people bear the name Muhammad, which varies in spelling from place to place. It’s easy to see why this name retains such consistent popularity.


The most common first name on Earth can be challenging to determine definitively due to the vast diversity of languages and naming conventions worldwide. However, some names are more prevalent than others in specific regions or cultures. For example:

  1. Muhammad (or variations thereof): Muhammad is one of the most common given names in the world, particularly among Muslim populations. Variations of this name, such as Mohamed, Mohammad, or Mehmet, are also widespread. The popularity of this name is due to its significance in Islam, as it is the name of the Prophet Muhammad.
  2. Liang: In Chinese-speaking regions, names like Liang, Zhang, and Wang are pretty common.
  3. Maria: In many Spanish-speaking countries, the name Maria is exceptionally common, often used in conjunction with other names (e.g., Maria José, Maria Luisa).
  4. John: John is a widely used name in English-speaking countries and has various equivalents in other languages, such as Juan in Spanish or Jean in French.
  5. Chen: Chen is a common surname and given name in China.
  6. Sergei: Sergei is a common name in Russia.
  7. Abdul: Abdul is a commonly Arabic-given name, often combined with other names (e.g., Abdul Rahman and Abdul Malik).

Please note that naming conventions and popular names can vary significantly by region and culture, so the “most common” name can differ depending on the context and criteria used for measurement. Additionally, naming trends change over time, so the most common names may evolve.

What is the most common name in the world?